tim098, you sure seem to have some issues against me dont you? right from geraldwow case till now eh? im cool with it. im hiding behind a computer screen and so are you. 8)
anyways, i've already provided a link, which was already talking bout that particular guy.
http://soft.com.sg/forum/feedback-suggestion/122905-scam-fake-watch.html (in case you didnt open your eyes)
if u were to follow another link in the link i gave you, you would see james was trying to clamp down on the fake guitar seller. a quick search for his posts from his profile page shows me that, at the time i'm typing this, 346 views. so wat, 346 people saw it, and all 346 people post about it, claiming its a fake?? ridiculous, no? even half of 346 would be a lovelovelovelove lot.
look, if someone is stupid enuf to buy that guitar, for that price, and found out its fake, den dont come bitching man! should have done your homework, right?? like i said, im not an ibanez user, but i figured it was around 5k. teokiatuan corrected me to 3.5k (thanks bro)... so you see, if you suspect something is wrong with the price, then dont buy it! and why open another thread? so that the fake seller knows that people here know about him? if he knows it already, he'll prob use another nick some months later when topic has died down, or use a proxy to hide his ip address so that he is untraceable or watever...then how is james or the authorities gonna clamp down on him?
bottom line is,
while u may claim to "care" for other forum users, there are times when u need to be discreet. no point opening multiple threads on stuff like this. it will only let the seller know people are on the move for him. if the press and media keeps reporting on the whereabouts of their u.s. military's tactics and movements, saddam hussein would be still alive right now and using nerve gases on people he doesnt like.