extremely bad news

theres nothing much they can do about it.. the illegal mp3 issue has been going on for soo long, and its not even close to being solved.
i dont see how this crack down on guitar tabs is gonna be successful
I don't think they really care how we get the score as long as they get the money.
Seriously, lyrics and tabs I feel give the artist free advertisment in a sense and inspire people to like the artist even more. Of course they wouldn't look at things that way.
Eh this is damn ridiculous leh.. as in seriously. What's wrong with people like us submitting out own tabs, and getting it shared by beginners and advanced players alike. I hope they don't take down ultimate-guitar.com and mysongbook.com.

One (ridiculous) alternative is to backup everything now haha.. go to tabs site and save SAVE SSAAVVEE!
this is total crap. i dun think they can do anything abt the tabs issue. tabs are a persons personal interpretation of a song(unless they took it for tab books). in other words its hw a person thinks a song should be played. if that is gona be illegal, than its bullsh*t. might as well make the playing of music illegal. this will seriously hinder new musicians coming up in the future.
spitfire_121 said:
this is total crap. i dun think they can do anything abt the tabs issue. tabs are a persons personal interpretation of a song(unless they took it for tab books). in other words its hw a person thinks a song should be played. if that is gona be illegal, than its bullsh*t. might as well make the playing of music illegal. this will seriously hinder new musicians coming up in the future.

totally agreed, they are destroying future musicians!
From the site. said:
"Unauthorised use of lyrics and tablature deprives the songwriter of the ability to make a living, and is no different than stealing," he said.

WRONG. The living of musicians are mediocre. The money goes to the record company for their CD sales, and book publishing companies for their tabs/scorebooks. The amount they receive is but a small fraction. This is unfair indeed. James do you have any views on this?

( Start sarcasm)

I am a theif. I listen to the song and I can play it on my guitar exactly. Therefore I have just stole the song and can play it whenever I wish. This is ruining the musician's chance to make a living, so therefore I should be jailed for playing the song.

I am much better than all these musicians. By playing their songs and doing it better than them to my audience, I'm making them redundant and ruining their living. So therefore you have just labelled all musicians criminals.
See the irony?


Thanks a**hole. You just labelled all us musicians as criminals.
I bet the musicians doesnt get that much money from this move at all. The one who got more profit would be the MPAs and other publishers not the musicians.

As if they havent controlled enough what we listen. With this move, many aspiring musicians learning certain genre that is only available through tabs will be badly affected.

why now?
heres a forum post by the admin of UG

Ok fellow UGers,

This is official: UG will not be taken down by MPA, RIAA of whatever else organization. We have a license to distribute tabs on the Net, we pay royalties to the artists (rightholders) and we are in Russia. So if that's not enough, UG will go underground and move to a country which don't care about US laws. There are many of them around.

We care about US laws and appreciate artists' works -- that's why we are the only website on the Net with a license.

Having said this, please stop downloading the entire Ultimate-Guitar.Com -- you hit the site too much with requests, that's why it was down yesterday for the half of a day! Stop all your 'grab the site' software, just visit UG normally as you did before -- we are not closing down!
