Actually choice of pedals depend on couple of factors. One of the more important factors which many overlook is ur own ability. Tis come into contrast when choosing ultra-fast pedals such as DW 9000 series. When I first switch from DW 5000 to 9000, it seems like its a whole new ballgame. While the 5000 is fast and smooth, 9000 series take fastness and smoothness to a whole new level tat for those starting out on double pedal techniques may find it hard to get accustomed to. All this is due to DW's patented free-floating rotor system and tats why the 9000 series weighs in at a hefty price tag, together wif other extra, nifty features tat is not available in lower to mid range series. Although all tis features are nice to have, they are not really necessary so this is also another point to consider when choosing pedals. I've tried lotsa pedals in my 15yrs of drumming and I must say, a good all-round choice pedal would be the iron cobra. Its smooth and fast, though not as fast as DWs but then again, it makes up for great control and response. And then, its one of the most durable pedals out there due to the reinforcement of underneath ribbings, jus like the Eliminators. I've been a long time fan of DW and would not sacrifice it for anything else but I mus admit tat DW footboard has the tendency to split into 2 on some occasions. In my opinion, I mus say tat there are currently 5 great models of pedals out there and in no order of preference, they are Tama IC, Pearl Eliminator, DW9000, Sonor Giant Step and Axis. The last 3 are the top of the line and the most expensive pedals out there, while the first 2 provide some good competition while staying at a better budget. In all, I mus say Tama IC takes the cake in terms of value-for-money and why i chose IC to Eliminator is due to the fact tat I find the IC is more forgiving and has better control. Hey, its jus my 2-cents worth and jus trying to share the knowledge tat I have after all these years. Jus hope it proves useful....