Exotherma - Fly Me To The Moon

thanks for listening hub! we will constantly play some other genres from time to time when we get bored of prog rock.. so we'll see yah ;) =))
hi dhalif

i am no expert in jazz but some suggestions

1. can get the keyboardist/guitarist to do some intro, currently the drums in the begining is kinda lonely.

2. your guitar have to stand out from the backing when you do the solo. it could be the tone or level. but somehow, the choice of notes are too close.

3. the harmony on the vocals add a nice touch to fatten the sound. you are using a gadget for it right?
nope the vocalist did the harmonisation himself. haha but yeah i agree with empty beginning part. =) thanks for all the feedback guys
thanks for the suggestions james i guess its quite a hard transition for me from a full rock player to start playing these numbers so im taking it slowly to be more diverse and reach out to other genres. i will take note of your suggestions and we would make it better hopefuly in time to come. thanks guys \m/
WOW! interesting haha yea i agree the intro may need a little more 'kick' to it. great to see you venturing into other genres man \m/