Excellent Online Music hosting Sites, recommendations?


New member
So.... time for a little thread on something useful...

For those of you who has posted your music online, what's a good online host?

I've tried www.music.download.com but there is a limit on the online storage (50 megs) size, so well, I would like to move on.

Lets take into consideration, download speeds, streaming capability, amount of online space avaliable plus ease of use.

Oh, pls mention pop ups too... kind of irritating.
i use soundclick.com. Easy to see and can put in lotsa file online. Max size per file they limit to 10mgb for free account. So far i had put in round 60+ tracks(average size of each file round 7-10mgb i had in there) in there and it havent reach its limit yet.
I see I see... been noticing a lot of people going onto soundclick...

I need a site to just store a butt load of my demos and crap stuff....
can try soundclick then. I was in your situation, trying to dump as many things into somewhere online and the site came along.

Heh, if you wanna the hip and trendy and have pornstars as your friend but super limited space to put file, Myspace the way to go!
I use http://www.eggdisk.com

Storage - 6GB (all sorts of files but there's certain files that cannot be uploaded due to hacking issues.)

Bandwidth - 30GB, reset every 30 days. (very hard to hit 30GB unless your site is visited by millions of people)

File size - 150MB per file. (I uploaded a one hour DJ mix with no problems.)

Links - Linking codes can be created so you can just cut and paste the codes in your blog or website or whatever.

Promo - If you help to promote or do a writeup for them when you like their hosting, they give you additional stuffs. Either bandwidth or storage space. (I'm currently on 6GB storage and 40GB bandwidth.)

It's all free of charge. I find EggDisk useful especially when I have to upload and store large graphics beyond 800 x 600, my PhotoBucket account can't upload anything bigger than that. I use it to backup some of my documents too.

There is no popup to irritate you. But sometimes there will be emails sent to you regarding the various promo you can do to raise your storage space and bandwidth. Some regard this as spam, but since it's a piece of truthful promo and they DID increase my bandwidth, I don't see it as spam anymore.
