ever wanted to look in the eyes of a truely insane person?

khai_stereotype said:
i'm a muslim.
i agree with her about the defamation of gays.
if animals understand the meaning of male and female, and we as a human, more intellectual, cant, doesnt that degrade us to worse than an animal?
this is merely my point of view. i detest homosexuals.

i beg to differ bro,but i still respect your answer...
you detest homosexuals...because you find them disgusting?for liking the same gender?i used to think like that...
but what if you're one of them...i mean,try to put yourself in their shoe,you dont have any other choice,you want to like women,but cant,you can only like men...gays are born to be gay...the brain system support it,the way they think support it,their hormones,its all predestined since before they were born [i read a book that talks about gay]
human more intellectual?if being gay will degrade us to worse than an animal? what about people that rape girls,take advantage of drunk girls,killers etc.? you still considered them as human?that's fckin animal as well...
so...there're lots of reason why we shouldnt be prejudiced towards gays...they're still human,and tell you what...they can be a better person compared to a normal peeps...cheers
See how they are standing ont he side of the road.. if i was driving by, i wouldnt mind swerving my car just abit.. might be lucky if there's ice on the road..could have been a little 'accident'

these types of people piss me off.

1. I have nothing against gay people, they make such a big deal about it and turn up at the funeral.. i mean your entitled to your own beliefs and values but this is just damn low, going to the funeral and acting like that.

2. those types of christians that walk around with signs and tell me im going to hell if i dont confess my sins to jesus and whatever. leave me alone. ive given christianity ago and im glad to say i've got nothing to do with it any more. There should be rules preventing that sort of thing, but i guess america is run by a guy who thinks god speaks to him and tells him to blow up innocent people.

The christian/god doesnt like you if your gay thing is illegal in singapore right?

edit: may have misunderstood the concept.. is she for or against god? are these christian exremists or what?

edit2 : yeah i agree with the warlord, although this woman is completely messed up, its unproffesional for one of the worlds most known news stations to do that. the fox guys ahve taken it to a personal level.
reyrey said:
khai_stereotype said:
i'm a muslim.
i agree with her about the defamation of gays.
if animals understand the meaning of male and female, and we as a human, more intellectual, cant, doesnt that degrade us to worse than an animal?
this is merely my point of view. i detest homosexuals.

i beg to differ bro,but i still respect your answer...
you detest homosexuals...because you find them disgusting?for liking the same gender?i used to think like that...
but what if you're one of them...i mean,try to put yourself in their shoe,you dont have any other choice,you want to like women,but cant,you can only like men...gays are born to be gay...the brain system support it,the way they think support it,their hormones,its all predestined since before they were born [i read a book that talks about gay]
human more intellectual?if being gay will degrade us to worse than an animal? what about people that rape girls,take advantage of drunk girls,killers etc.? you still considered them as human?that's fckin animal as well...
so...there're lots of reason why we shouldnt be prejudiced towards gays...they're still human,and tell you what...they can be a better person compared to a normal peeps...cheers

Gays are not born gay, they become gay. With a lack of ethics and proper upbringing, they are allowed to pursue their gay lifestyle and not see it's wrong. I know many ppl whom ppl think are gay but their strong faith and discipline makes them un gay and they get married to women.
Vaiyen said:
Fox News blows.
very unbalanced reporting, leaning heavily towards the right.

well i don think in this case Fox is leaning towards the right.. i think the woman was already breaking the limit of being right.. she's ultra right.. she's a fanatic!

i think Fox was correct to slam her on tv.. if she's keeping her opinions n views n beliefs at home, fine.. but if she brings it to the street and tries to affect people, u gotta do something about it.. reprimanding her on tv, in my opinion, is already a civilized enough way of treating her..
I believe there are two camps of homosexuals.. those born from birth, just like you are born male/female, and those who are "made" into one, perhaps by traumatic childhood sexual incidents. Of course, there are also the idiot types in the "made" camp who were influenced by people around them.

Oh well, i think this thread is gonna get blown up and get locked eventually.


detroit_red said:
Gays are not born gay, they become gay. With a lack of ethics and proper
zysth said:
i think Fox was correct to slam her on tv...

No i don't think so, they are newsreporters... Their job is to present the facts to the audience.They stepped over the line and injected whatever they felt was right in the show.That's not fact.

Now everyone here thinks the woman's crazy, and that's for us to judge given unbiased newsreporting... not the anchorman.

Might I add, those newsreporters didn't argue their point very well either
Vaiyen said:
Fox News blows.
very unbalanced reporting, leaning heavily towards the right.

quite true... can be seen clearly... but wat the hell...

for the lady,maybe she is crazy.but she have her rites to believe in wateva she believe.

both the lady n fox r stupid.they dun respect each others' thoughts. end up insulting each other
maybe the ppl from fox just lost it. they see this woman disrespecting the soldiers who died for their country. thats quite a major matter to them i guess
jtsang2501 said:
No i don't think so, they are newsreporters... Their job is to present the facts to the audience.They stepped over the line and injected whatever they felt was right in the show.That's not fact.

Now everyone here thinks the woman's crazy, and that's for us to judge given unbiased newsreporting... not the anchorman.

Might I add, those newsreporters didn't argue their point very well either

that is not a news reporting program in the first place. Hannity & Colmes is the show on fox news where they invite ppl on for debates on issues and to flame assholes like that woman live on national TV.
khai_stereotype said:
i'm a muslim.
i agree with her about the defamation of gays.
if animals understand the meaning of male and female, and we as a human, more intellectual, cant, doesnt that degrade us to worse than an animal?
this is merely my point of view. i detest homosexuals.

Actually animals not being gay is a misconcept and have been proven untrue many times. Here's one source:

Google and you'll find many many more.

Gays are not born gay, they become gay. With a lack of ethics and proper upbringing, they are allowed to pursue their gay lifestyle and not see it's wrong. I know many ppl whom ppl think are gay but their strong faith and discipline makes them un gay and they get married to women.

By this theory, some animals may have a lack of ethics and proper upbringing.

I am not on either side. Simply pointing out some flaws in arguements. People believe what they believe and calling them crazy is judging them as much as they are judging you. I find it amusing that people like to do the judging for god.

In my opinion,
the lady is not wrong, nor is she right, she is merely doing what she believes in.
the newscasters are not wrong, nor right, they are merely doing what they believe in.
You guys who posted are not wrong, nor right, just saying what you believe in.
I am not wrong, nor right, just saying what I believe in.

So have some faith in yourselves and everyone around, and try to open your hearts and mind.
Reyrey: yea, maybe i should rethink about this.
if there are any gays here. sorry if youre offended.
well, again, different people different views i guess.

Theblueark: thanks bro will look into it.
wow, now the animals are doing it. i just hope it wouldnt be a trend amongst the animal-teens. :lol:

anyway, i still think this woman have some wiring problem in her head. just by her looks, you can feel some psychotic/sadist vibes. not good vibe for this one certainly.

anyway, lets all pray together regardless of religions for that god would forgive them(this woman, osama, bush etc.) and bring them back to the righteous path. 8)
zysth said:
well i don think in this case Fox is leaning towards the right.. i think the woman was already breaking the limit of being right.. she's ultra right.. she's a fanatic!

I mean generally la, deh. Just check out their spin on the Iraqi invasion.

zysth said:
i think Fox was correct to slam her on tv.. reprimanding her on tv, in my opinion, is already a civilized enough way of treating her..

NO WAY. they're breaking one of the fundamental tenets of journalism.
Narcoleptia said:
I can't believe your reponses are so much different from the americans

Well then again the question would be which group of Americans are you referring too? Because there are tons of Americans out there who have different views and thinking on just about anything. Some believed man never made it to the moon, some believed that this world is created by aliens hence arise the believers of scientology which have people like Tom Cruise and John Travolta in their belief system and some have a believe which are far more provocative which I'm quite sure some of you haven't heard of yet.

But as of now I do not want to view the video from just one angle. Because I have a feeling that the video could just be a charade of some sort and also having an agenda backing it up. Because of all the tempers flying around suddenly the word JEW pops out. Subliminal? Hmm........

But then again I could be wrong.....
khai_stereotype said:
Reyrey: yea, maybe i should rethink about this.
if there are any gays here. sorry if youre offended.
well, again, different people different views i guess.

nah...just stating what i mean bro,like unfair for the gays =) cheers
Vaiyen said:
zysth said:
i think Fox was correct to slam her on tv.. reprimanding her on tv, in my opinion, is already a civilized enough way of treating her..

NO WAY. they're breaking one of the fundamental tenets of journalism.

no in this case i don think it's journalism.. it's more of a debate.. n the woman should have expected to face criticism on tv when she agreed to appear in the show..
zysth said:
no in this case i don think it's journalism.. it's more of a debate.. n the woman should have expected to face criticism on tv when she agreed to appear in the show..


like i said...Hannity & Colmes is a debate show on fox news, it is NOT a news report. In debates u have to have ur own stand, there is no question of biasness here.
thx for enlightment bro...i thought it was a news reporting for the first time,and i also quite confused,why these guys like sort of debating against the lady...so it's actually a debate show....hahaha... =)
theblueark said:
Gays are not born gay, they become gay. With a lack of ethics and proper upbringing, they are allowed to pursue their gay lifestyle and not see it's wrong. I know many ppl whom ppl think are gay but their strong faith and discipline makes them un gay and they get married to women.

By this theory, some animals may have a lack of ethics and proper upbringing.

Why bring us down to the level of an animal? Is that all to being human? That a dog, rat, baboon is on the same level as us? Ethics and upbringing are foreign to animals. They are lesser.

I do not support homosexuality but neither do I hate them. In fact, I wish to help them see the light that homosexuality was never intended to be, and will never be, the norm.

On another note, don't we all see a trend going on?

The world getting more and more liberal and "open", but at what price?

Its a natural steady decline of humanity as a whole and one of the main causes of the breakdown (At this point) is this whole concept of post modernistic thinking: "you have your view point, I have mine, please don't infringe". As a result of such mindsets, Ethics and Morality have degenerated to such a point where people do things their own way and thats it. You can't tell me what to do. And I wouldn't have to listen anyway.
We will have a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

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