ESP/LTD guitars

i rate the Tokai LPs highly. in fact, was thinking of getting one but the Edwards is $200 cheaper so it's a more sensible bargain 8)
lol.. don't really like gold-top Les Pauls...

Recently the only black edwards LP left in davis is gone i guess, I don't see it out in the window display already.

Hey sub and neuro, if you guys enquired about the edwards, care to post here about the price and waiting time? :roll:
eh.. i tink sub wld be a better person to advise u on the price.. ItAcHi ordered his for $1.2k, so i guess the 1 i wanna acquire shud be around that price.

XJAPAN: if u haf the time to spare, why dun head down to Davis & check out the catalogue.. it wld be much more accurate..
subversion said:
my recent experience with Gibson renews my opinion that there are better value-for-$$$ acquisitions out there... out of 3 experiences with Gibson, 2 had let me down :smt011

So what was so disappointing w/ur new Gibson? I've been thinking of getting a Tokai...they're gettin rave reviews over at The Les Paul Forum.

my new Gibson:

*dry fretboard
*nut glue spilling over to fretboard
*body areas not buffed properly
*knobs with chipped edges

i noted that the above aren't exclusive to mine... i have already submitted a review here, it highlights these unbecoming anomalies among others.

beast: if you can get your hands on a Tokai- just do it (at least an LS70). our dealer here not bringing them in any more. i should have grabbed one... sheesh. :smt062
suspend_thought said:
Grassroots and Edwards are actively sold only in japan, basically. the ones here in sg are imported.

another reason is also due to copy issues and stuff like that; ESP japan sells explorers, while ESP USA doesn't.

so that means that Edwards/grassroots are for Japan's market which quality and design is equavalent to LTD in Korea?? man... LTD really got famous..
I realized the orange Edwards LP I listed in this thread is no longer is in production.

Here is a similar 1 :- Edwards LP-85CD

7thlovechild said:
so that means that Edwards/grassroots are for Japan's market which quality and design is equavalent to LTD in Korea?? man... LTD really got famous..

LTD has a Korean workmanship, not to say that it ranks below the Japanese offerings, but there is a difference in the overall standard of production.

LTD got 'famous' because it was made accessible to many in terms of availability & affordability. you won't find a $400 ESP/ Grassroots/ Edwards off the shelf. so is the LTD 'lousy' then? not by any chance. LTD is serving ESP as Squier is doing so for Fender.
hey sub and neuro...glad to see u guys discussing bout edwards here..hahaha...mine is a LP standard so to speak..but it aint excatly like a standard in some ways..i dunno how to explain here...maybe its one way for edwards to prevent being sue by gibson??

hey sub the LP custom neck is thinner den the standard rite?? cos i tried my frends epiphone LP custom..its thinner...
we shouldn't deem a certain non-Gibson as an equivalent interpretation to the Gibson counterpart, especially Asian guitars. despite the visual similarities, Asian manufacturers display no obligations to replicate the Gibson specs. with Tokai/ Edwards, i find them more appealing in feel.

Epi necks aren't the true reflection of the Gibson offerings. do not measure them up against the Gibson ones.

for Gibson: Slim taper/ 50s/ Supreme/ Custom- thinnest to thickest

as for Epi LPs, the Standard Plus is thinnest but there's insignificant bulk seperating these 3: Std Plus/ Classic Plus/ Custom.
7thlovechild said:
so that means that Edwards/grassroots are for Japan's market which quality and design is equavalent to LTD in Korea?? man... LTD really got famous..
From what I know (from Jemsite),

Grassroots (LTD in US) = Ibanez; korean made
Edwards = Ibanez Prestige; japan mass produced
ESP = Ibanez J Custom; custom order