ES 335 or Les Paul

Which one do u prefer?

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Hello guys I m not new to this forum. Been enjoying reading all the posts and comment for the past few months.

N now i hv to make the most painful purchase decision in my life -- which one to buy, ES 335 or LEs Paul? Due to budget constraint i can only choose 1, yes, not both of them :(

Genre of playing is not an issue here. I already hv 1 main axe i need. In addition, i love both of them equivalently, this is why its hard to take 1 n part wif the other!!

n also dun forget th list the reason why u prefer which over which.
If u want a distorted thick dark sound, go for the LP. I love the style n looks of the es-335 n it has a jangly sound esp in the middle position. If u play metal, I dun think u wanna be seen playing the 335 rite..hehehe...used to have a epi dot 335 and I played sabbath riffs on it, which sounded cool...: ) sigh now I have cravings for 335 again...

But in IMO, I have to agree with ChanMin, go for the es-335, cool sounds and yep it definitely looks RETRO (I like tat word!!!) ..: P
Duh! another useless comparison.

If you can't decide which one is more useful for you between these two, means you don't need them at all. Because they are serving different purpose and sounds totally different so it should be clear which one you'll need.
needs and wants are so different...
the 335 and lp are wants.

hes merely trying to ask for our views on which one he should choose.
i do know what i'm looking for, and unfortunately i want both! i stated very clear i love both of them n contemplating which one to get.

to u it may serve diff purposes but i play mostly blues so the r somehow equally "useful" .

Lastly, the purpose of this poll is to find out which one most of u guys prefer. not another "useless comparison " as u put.
tanton ... do check out ishibashi
they have alot of used gibsons for sale at low prices.. my friend got a 67' V for 900 and a Explorer for around there too... just need to top up shipping.. but its still very cheap.

im actually looking out for a nice 335 myself.. but gibbys are hell exx man.
I would say the 335 is more of a "blues" guitar, but the les paul is good enough for any other stuff except maybe jazz and country.... :)
i actually didnt turn to the 335 until i saw paul jackson play his signature hollowbody...

wah... its like when he hit his first note , he sliced right thru his band . very impressionable tone. Also hollowbody has this very woody sound... like thunky kinda sound to it?.... kinda adds to the character... lespauls are really just beautiful and sexy... i really cant play properly on gibsons... but for the 335 i tihnk i will practise till i can... hahha..
I have a korean make ES-335 that I bought in 1989, everything is still working well , I just love the mellow softer tone it gives out as it is semi solid body.

Rollercoaster said:
I would say the 335 is more of a "blues" guitar, but the les paul is good enough for any other stuff except maybe jazz and country.... :)

Doode, Les Paul was a jazz guitarist. He made the Les Paul with the intention to play jazz... If it's good for Al Di Meola to use for his fusion jazz, it's good for me.

The Allman Brothers dip into country and folk in their sets. I see them using Les Pauls as well...

The Les Paul is prolly built for everything but for disco... For disco, one will have to use an Explorer, just like Earth, Wind, Fire!!! Yay!
ES 335 gets my vote. I love the way it sounds. Used to be pretty obsessed with getting a Les Paul, but then came the 335. ;)

(i've got none of them though)
Rollercoaster said:
I would say the 335 is more of a "blues" guitar, but the les paul is good enough for any other stuff except maybe jazz and country.... :)

hehehe Les Paul created the guitar in the first place was to play jazz.
Lastly, the purpose of this poll is to find out which one most of u guys prefer. not another "useless comparison " as u put.

This is not just aother useless also a very stoopid comparison. :wink:

I prefer les polls ....get it? :lol:

Just guessing but probably 90% of the world prefer Les Paul over 335. Go to any shop, ebay and count the number of each for sale.
It may be stupid for u, but somehow it means something to me.
If u really prefer "les polls", y bother comin in n pissing around? Nuff said.
hmm anton has appeared over here now, so you got your guitar?
me, i want a Gibson ES-335 with slim taper 60s neck cos everyone needs to have a ES-335 :p
a LP is good too, but somehow theres just that vibe you cant get with the ES-335.
plus eric johnson used his ES-335, yea not his strat, to record cliffs of dover :p
hey tanton82, i know what u can do. rather than sit around and listen to our useless chatter u should find urself a place which u have ample supply of les pauls and es335's. den u should narrow down to a few LPs and a few ES335. then start the great comparison and let ur ears decide which u would want more. and while ure add it maybe bring a few friends cos sometimes friends point out what we do not see and add another dimension into the decision making process. best rather than deciding which u would rather and den hunting down that elusive one.

so in the end this way u would end up getting either a great les paul or a great es335, whichever is the better out of all that is available here. :D

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