eric khoo's be with me

yah man it was beautiful, it was sooo goood.

i loved the sercurity guard and jackie stories, not so hot on the blind woman.

tht shot outside borders on the steps, i have to say tht i reckon is my fav movie still ever.

i felt the same way after watching cinema paradiso
the old couple story was the best story ever told.
i want someone i can be in love with till i'm THAT old and wrinkly.

so sad. thinking about it makes me wanna cry.
the movie was so good.
it was in cinema's for a very short period of time.
you'll have to find the DVD now.

i'm trying to find it.
If you guys liked Be With Me, then you should watch 12's my all-time favourite local movie. Eric Khoo has always been so poignant in his portrayal of the common man.
his first film was really equally good. Mee Pok Man.
there are really good local movies that depict the very essence of being singaporean. Not in a patriotic sense of course.

but in a more beautiful memorable familiar way.
if anyones interested, check out works by Guo Bao Kun and Royston Tan. they are really inspring artistes.

i really liked 15, Cut, and 4:30.
Does anyone know where I can watch Be With Me?
Or purchase it?
Or whatever, just some way I can watch it?

I really hate how Singapore doesn't promote local films at all....
Unless it's those boring predictable ones that make money *cough*JackNeo*cough*
You can check with Asian Film Archives, a local non-profit organisation which promotes not just Singapore films, but regional ones as well.
The only part about this movie i liked was the opening sequence and the whole securityguard/beautiful lady story line....frankly I thought the movie was kind of directionless...I would have liked if he just kept to the three subplots that he had going...what the hell was with the blind lady arc.... :roll:
Another way you can catch the movie is to buy it from LaserFlair...they have the combo deal, where Mee Pok Man, Twelve Storeys and Be With Me are packaged together.
i saw Be With Me on tv just a few days ago. dont remember which channel though.

the movie is more like a experimental arthouse film. there silent spot throughout the film, i think on purpose.

it is also interesting to see that alot of the shots were lock down. much to the feel of a still camera. again, on purpose.

the multi-story idea is interesting but the execution/substance is not as strong as i felt it could be.

i hope Eric Khoo will move out of this 'safe area' and work on something more commercial.
sometimes I blame it on the censorship cuts that makes any movie incoherant. I dunno if these movies by Eric Khoo went thro the snips snips.

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