Epl Thread

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Well, there's alot of factors to why i hate man u... and maybe one of em is that i already am a man u hater when i was hooked to football...

probably the obvious reasons to why i hate them is their arrogance....

They losing, every second matters, even substitutes... Christiano Ronaldo will even escort the substituting player out hastily!!!

When winning, they try to waste every second of their time by substituting by walking slowly, throwing the balls for throw-in getting "precious" wasting time to win a game by a slender lead of 1 goal difference.. hahaha!!

who'se with me??? im sure many leeds fans are too..

Alot of teams do this as well. :wink:
WELL...If thats the reaction of the man U fans...goes to show how SENSITIVE and arrogant they are - correct or not?

yes many teams ddo that... agreed
yeap many teams do that too.. just that man united does it so blatently...

yeah man u fans are too sensitive lah... it's all about the fun and games.. just that the jokes on you.

btw, im not an arsenal fan and i think i said that too many times but.. hmm :roll:
i don't like soccer and i don't support any team, and i think this thread is pointless, it's not even related to music. u wanna discuss about soccer, i'm sure they have many soccer forums out there where u can do it.. i sense bad blood arising..should shut it down before a war of words breaks out..
lol relax la..

Lets change the topic soon b4 it becomes war..

I wanna talk about the new price plans and the "no epl on espn" thing.. Is it thru? Someone enlighten me on this
marcadrummer: Well, there's alot of factors to why i hate man u... and maybe one of em is that i already am a man u hater when i was hooked to football...

probably the obvious reasons to why i hate them is their arrogance....

They losing, every second matters, even substitutes... Christiano Ronaldo will even escort the substituting player out hastily!!!

When winning, they try to waste every second of their time by substituting by walking slowly, throwing the balls for throw-in getting "precious" wasting time to win a game by a slender lead of 1 goal difference.. hahaha!!

who'se with me??? im sure many leeds fans are too..

And I suppose you think that ARSEnal doesn't do that? Don't you know Jens Lehmann is most famous for time wasting.

Ignorant ARSEnal fans...tsk tsk.
amnesiac, I think it's good to have topics that stay away from music. If every single thread is about music here, people will get bored of this place quickly.
well df, I'm an arsenal supporter but I don't agree with what marcdrummer said, cos I believe that all teams are the same, and its easy to pinpoint these sort of things if you have a biased perspective(which all of us do).

For me, my simple reason for hating Man utd is just because I'm an Arsenal fan, and it comes with the territory. But I do applaud their style of play(of Man Utd) which proves that entertaining football can win trophies, rather than those "defensive"-"dull" tactics employed by many teams nowadays reminiscent of the pre-wenger-1-nil-to-the-arsenal days.

Its funny that nowadays i feel that Man utd and Arsenal are sort of in tandem on many issues, and that there is a healthy respect between each other. This has got to do with the emergence of the "pretenders" And it could be also because that only Arsenal and Man Utd have been dominating English football over almost the last 2 decades till recently.

You may say that new money brings in new enemies, and Man utd was always the dominant spending power till now, but Arsenal has probably spent less that 50 million? pounds in total over the last 10 years not counting in the sale of players, and yet they have managed to make their mark on the global and domestic front as compared to teams who spend or have spent silly money over the past few years.And that is why I love Arsenal. :D
United fan here.

IMO, I'm not sure but seems like rivalry between United - Arsenal have kinda toned down compared to before. Its still there for sure, but now seems like the rivalry is majorly with Chelsea - or is it just me. :?
snuffleupagus: For me, my simple reason for hating Man utd is just because I'm an Arsenal fan

Just like how I hate ARSEnal, Liverpool, Man City, Chelski 'coz I'm a United fan. What I didn't like was the tone used by whoever it was...it was as if he was implying that Man United were the only club to employ time delaying tactics. Which most of us if not all should know that that is bullcrap.
hmm FGL ur like my fren a tru bleu arsenal fan..unlike me ..the direct opposite..
anyway ..i think your team are not gonna do well the next season...:)

sure pancit liao ..
Let's do a "Change Soft's mindset for kopitiam" campaign!

Afterall...it is kopitiam...you don't here people insulting pentanoic or blues scale over kopi-o there...XD
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