Epiphone SG or Les Paul Custom ?

ebenex music

hey brandon, your ipod is missing. apologies.

anyway, yes. ebenex music will be closed tomorrow.

i'll probably swing by in the afternoon to tidy up the shop, put in the new pedals etc. but it will be closed for the most part.

pm me if you need any effects urgently and i'll have it opened in the afternoon at your convenience.

least i'd hope to think we do care a little for our customers, esp softies!

otherwise, see you guys on wed!



ebenex music
oh man...darn...the ipod is lost eh...guess i just gotta get some pedals for the ipod then..haha..hey..jus sms me if u need some "brendan's Brute Force" aight?i will be free tmr so if u need any help..just sms me..u should have my number right?
hey brandon, thanks for the offer.

i'll be going in to tidy things up etc. no need for any 'brandon brute force.'

see you guys on wed!


ebenex music