
the allowance sucks, and PES E takes forever to promote. Most of the time ure stuck as REC/PTE, which equals $400 pay

ORD in November... cannot wait.
Oh ya. Death, if you're ever posted to HENDON CAMP, PM me. I'm working there. Go makan together, at least have a fellow SOFTie inside camp :p

yea..thats the friggin problem..chicken shit pay..if only my pay was "peanuts"..hahahaa..

yea man..i'll do just that..at least there's someone to show me around and be my makan buddy.:D
ahh..i guess things have changed...back in my days, orion was considered 'tough' coy...and sch 1 coys were 'slackers'.but nothing beats my former bmt coy..ninja!!


haha the last i heard recently last year ninja changed OC already, so it ain't that fierce anymore.

Cougar seems to be the Ninja wannabe right now. damn siong
Perm i think means they wont kachao u anymore. Temp means they call u back every once in a while, to double check for chaokeng.

I doubt u will tio upgrade with heart problem. Even if u do very easy chaokeng say heart pain. Ur sergeants might tekan but they aint stupid.

Interesting... Anyway I can find out from the letter that I received as to whether it is temp or perm?
There should be ur medical report which ur MO give u after he check ur cock and tell u wad pes u are. On the report double check fro a box which say temp or perm.

Haha dun worry la dey, heart problem easiest to chaokeng.

Hey long time no see. I've ORDed for 2 months already!

And guys, have fun in the army. Don't worry too much about it, you'd gain more than you can ever imagine.

Just give it your best shot, and everything you've. You'd get to do things you never will get to do elsewhere, experience things you'll never ever experience again, achieve things you never thought possible, and make some lifelong friends in the process as well.

In hindsight, I'm glad I went through army the proper way. It was a great time, but not great enough for me to take it up a career. Haha!

Oi Phil, I've been wanting to call and ask if you can help my friend with pickup installations but your hp number long time fly away liao. MSN me! hahaha!!

LOL. i dont know which company. the letter just say,direct enlistment into 3 SIR. dont mind give me a brief intro on 3SIR and what it is like?? cos i have totally no clue on what to expect. thks:)

3 SIR (3rd Battalion Singapore Infantry Regiment) is a standard light rifle infantry battalion. Formed in quite literally our fathers time, 3 SIR now stands at the forefront as the specialist infantry unit in Urban Ops. It has a lot of toys that you'll get to play with after your BMT. The logo of 3 SIR is the Scorpion and its motto - Silent and Effective. I'm sure your CO will tell you even more during your induction period. Haha, have fun in army!
haha the last i heard recently last year ninja changed OC already, so it ain't that fierce anymore.

Cougar seems to be the Ninja wannabe right now. damn siong

alamak!! no more fun ah...he's the most feared man in ninja..haha...
my platoon kena whack by him after he caught us not doing area cleaning in the morning.after tht, my ps whacked us..so the whole day was like whacking day.

lol sweating like some crazy arse...missed those days man...haha
Aiya relax. BMT will still be okay. As i said somewhere before, there's a saying:

"All Men Are Good,
Only The Sergeants Are Screwed Up"

So as recruits, they won't really try to do too much that will really make you cry. At the end of the day, they have to do their job to train soldiers, but they won't really push you off the edge. After all, they are also reminded that you new recruits were once full-time civilians, so some may not be able to adjust.

Besides, at least better than me. Small thing my storeman screw up, I, the CQMS A.K.A Storeman Sergeant, always kena one times good one from my RQ.

BMT will be fun, so just don't think of it too much and just have fun.

And also, those from the combat side, whether you guys are just enlisted, in unit, nearly ORD, etc. Got one word of advice for you


Why I say so:
Service side has a lot more chao keng kias then compared to the combat side. I was from combat (till I smashed my kneecaps, but that's another story) and got DownPes. Now working as a PES C2L2 CQMS. I see clerks and storemen CKK their way out, and they do so with no regard for others.
For the rest that don't CK, they usually end up with extra regimental duties, extra work, etc.
Besides, those who came from combat side will sooner or later find that combat side is more fun and will want to go back there.
Sigh. Wish I didn't get injured /=

And a word of advice to everyone:

Don't CK la please. I know a few ppl reading this will disregard my advice, but I mean it. If you CK, everyone hates you. Upperstudy, Understudy, Sergeants, Commanders, Officers, etc. Just do your work and treat each passing day by. It'll be better that way

Besides, sittng at home just because you CK and got MC is no fun. Your officers will come calling or knocking at the door. I had my sirs calling my house everyday after I got injured. One time even came at 10PM at night.
And it was so boring at home... Should have been more careful. Eargh
haha the last i heard recently last year ninja changed OC already, so it ain't that fierce anymore.

Cougar seems to be the Ninja wannabe right now. damn siong

haha, well a cougar recruit here. Was in the PTP leadership batch of 03/08. I must say our RANGER oc is damn garang and training was tough. We had to put in extra effort during PT and i do rmb once after our IPPT test, our OC made us go through numerous sets of extra PT with him under the bloody hot sun. And during field camp, we learnt leopard crawling and all tt stuff on company level, cos he said allt he sgt were incompetent. HAHA

shiong yes, but it made bmt days so much more memorable. =)
RANGER!! Crap man. I've seen first hand how the Rangers train. Their training is PURE INSANITY. You can seriously go mad after going thru Ranger Course

Maybe that explains why all Commandos are completely mad. They're known as Airborne RANGERS. Hahahaha sucks to be those muscle-brains
Aiya relax. BMT will still be okay. As i said somewhere before, there's a saying:

"All Men Are Good,
Only The Sergeants Are Screwed Up"

So as recruits, they won't really try to do too much that will really make you cry. At the end of the day, they have to do their job to train soldiers, but they won't really push you off the edge. After all, they are also reminded that you new recruits were once full-time civilians, so some may not be able to adjust.

Besides, at least better than me. Small thing my storeman screw up, I, the CQMS A.K.A Storeman Sergeant, always kena one times good one from my RQ.

BMT will be fun, so just don't think of it too much and just have fun.

And also, those from the combat side, whether you guys are just enlisted, in unit, nearly ORD, etc. Got one word of advice for you


Why I say so:
Service side has a lot more chao keng kias then compared to the combat side. I was from combat (till I smashed my kneecaps, but that's another story) and got DownPes. Now working as a PES C2L2 CQMS. I see clerks and storemen CKK their way out, and they do so with no regard for others.
For the rest that don't CK, they usually end up with extra regimental duties, extra work, etc.
Besides, those who came from combat side will sooner or later find that combat side is more fun and will want to go back there.
Sigh. Wish I didn't get injured /=

And a word of advice to everyone:

Don't CK la please. I know a few ppl reading this will disregard my advice, but I mean it. If you CK, everyone hates you. Upperstudy, Understudy, Sergeants, Commanders, Officers, etc. Just do your work and treat each passing day by. It'll be better that way

Besides, sittng at home just because you CK and got MC is no fun. Your officers will come calling or knocking at the door. I had my sirs calling my house everyday after I got injured. One time even came at 10PM at night.
And it was so boring at home... Should have been more careful. Eargh

Haha, yup, i agree with ur views on "DON'T TRY TO DELIBERATELY DOWNPES (A.K.A Chao Keng) OR GET SENT TO SERVICE SIDE!!"

FYI when u "DOWN PES", take note that ur medical condition, pes status and ur work conduct in ns, whether its good or poor, might get affected when u apply for job outside. So it's best to play safe when ur serving and sooner or later u wont realize its over, put it this way, "Serve and F*** Off" =)
I'm a clerk and I see lots of CK kias in my office. Those who like to play MC and MA at the same time.

And I kinda agree on the fact that your superiors will lose respect for you especially if you are a CK kia. Of course those CK kia will think "lose respect, lose respect loh....I'm practically wasting my time during these 2 years and such I got nothing to lose." but like the saying goes lah, if your officers like you, you are protected.

I hate it when BMT/combat people come up to me and ask me how to downpes to become a clerk (I'm PES E by the way). Seriously being a clerk isn't as easy as one might think. Still have to deal with truckloads of office politics and the occasional idiots in the office environment. Then one mistake you make could mean an entire admin lapse which is like a domino effect and last but not least you have to deal with difficult bosses. The kind who will find all sorts of stupid reasons to find fault with you just to prove their superiority.
well, they've only experienced the combat side before. they don't know how clerks are like. its only when i became a temp clerk after injury then i knew how bad it was to be a clerk. rather be fighting and in combat, at least have pride in it. also more fun, well, at least once you're thru it you can laugh abt it
the allowance sucks, and PES E takes forever to promote. Most of the time ure stuck as REC/PTE, which equals $400 pay

ORD in November... cannot wait.
Oh ya. Death, if you're ever posted to HENDON CAMP, PM me. I'm working there. Go makan together, at least have a fellow SOFTie inside camp :p

Hey im in hendon too. which coy r u in?
QM branch, but currently attached out on course. Won't be back till April. Previously from 2 Coy (and hated every moment there. Long story, but mainly because i never really fancied my batch boys very much)

u? 3/4 Coy ar?
ORD in November... cannot wait.

MUHAHAHAHA!!! ROD In October Oh! No Reservist Oh! PES E Corporal Oh!

But then I'm in SCDF, so I don't quite get what you army guys are talking about. No SCDF personnel or ex-personnel around here? Army here army there, sian eh no SCDF friend.

CPL SicBarney
Provost Unit

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lol! i didn't know that! yay at least another SOFTie in Hendon.

Hopefully they put me in Supply Coy when I go back in April. The 1 CDO BN RQ is a (insert your word here). Dislike working with him
lol! i didn't know that! yay at least another SOFTie in Hendon.

Hopefully they put me in Supply Coy when I go back in April. The 1 CDO BN RQ is a (insert your word here). Dislike working with him

LOL!! U tokin abt the BBQ Quek? The one rearing turtles near supply coy one? HAHA!! Hey, if ure in the QM branch.. I wonder if i hav met u b4. I visit the office sometimes den got Alvin, Zu liang, Lester they all rite?

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