end year sales date and price


New member
May i know when is the end year swee lee sales going to be?

I wonder how much it costs to get a Tama iron cobra double pedal during that period?

Hope to get some answers,


the ibanez sr20thsol is around 3800 ( itink)
hopefully sweelee will sell it around 1k ??
( iwish,....)
Drummerkay, thats a big difference man.. Almost 40% off! I am also getting a TAMA metronome, huge *ss and expensive one..

Yar, anybody know the date?
No One Will Know ! So Just Wait Like EVERYONE Else !

So Many People Have Been Asking This Question And The Answer Is Always The Same!

Just Wait!
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I have no idea why nicholasim is being so frustrated.. Another young kid full of angst.
Its not like i am asking you anyway... If you are not too happy, don't reply then... Man, i don't get it why some people flare up so easily when he can just walk away. Just relax will ya?

I was hoping more of an answer like probably end november, early december, that kind of approximated answer, so i can save up my money and stuff like that.

Anybody? When was end year sale last year? Is it usually more towards the end of december?

Pai sei ah, NSFs are poor, thats why gotta save up early! =)

Thanks guys and cheers.
I was hoping more of an answer like probably end november, early december, that kind of approximated answer, so i can save up my money and stuff like that.

If u already can estimate the date why bother asking?
swee lee always have their sales arnd the same time
nicholassim isnt flaring up for nothing. it's just that new people just keep appearing up in the forums and ask when are the mid-year/end-year sales so it's fustrating.

Multiple threads like this are always being created every half-yearly. Do a search and see for yourself.

But just to answer your question, I dont think anyone except the people in sweelee knows exactly when are the sales so no point asking. They keep it hush hush and usually announce about 2 weeks before the actual date. Just keep checking back.

If you to start saving $$ then why not start now? you dont have to know EXACTLY which date i.e DDMMYYYY to understand the term EOY sale do you now? ;)
how much do u roughly need if u wanna get a good guitar during the sales. and u gotta queue up overnight right ? i heard.
yeah . If u queue over night , u will be at the front of the line and have a wide range of instruments to choose from.

As for how much to bring , check the swee lee website or their stores and check for items that u are interested in. Then minus about 30-40% as an estimation.
How can Swee Lee disclose their sales date? If they do, everybody's just gonna wait for the sales and they won't be making any money on regular days. So just stop asking already.
i dont think they do that.

what they do is put a 50% off LIST price.

the price on the price tag on the guitars on the shelves (thats long lol) are the discounted price.
just wondering.... the swee lee sales are both at bras basah and aljuneid and not just bras basah??

plan to save up till next year when they have the mid year sale

remember the "no trying" during the sale man,..
so u better start trying those stuffs u have in mind,. so that wen the sale comes,..
u just grab it away and let others drool,...
it's abit stupid asking this kind of questions.. like what shaneypants said, if people knows when the date of sales is going to be, no one would wanna buy their stuff on normal days and this would definately put them out of business...

usually sales are a way to clear their old stocks before the new ones arrive and it seems like swee lee have already stocked alort of new items which makes me wonder if there's gonna be another sale AFTER they had 2 major sales this year already. CNY sale and Mid year sales...

and as for the iron cobra, it's listed at 600 list price off so it's 300 and add 5% from 600 is 15 dollars so eveything costs 315 when i got it....

remember, LIST PRICE not SALE PRICE...

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