Electric Guitarists pls view this


New member
Hi... An electric guitarist here, i would like to know how people from other music schools are learning. In classical guitars, examinations are common, but in electric guitars i dun see exams except in YAMAHA music school. The question is, Is the exams essential? do electric guitarists need to have an accreditation? I mean certificate. And btw do u all learn to play by reading tabs? or Musical notes? Jamming in bands mostly needs u to read tabs or notes?:cool: Thx for ur time reading and commenting

if you do want to make a profitable career in electric guitar or guitar playing in general,accreditation is a good step to attain that goal.

not everyone is a Hendrix/SRV or a _______ (add in your talented guitar god name here) so a knowledge of theory helps..

the bread and butter of working musicians here is an ability to play all kinds of genre in pubs/clubs and studio session works.the working musicians community here is closely knit and most of them have a very sound knowledge of theory and some form of accreditation.
I learn to play by reading tabs, but lately learning to figure out and remember notations from the tabs. Especially if I'm using guitar magazines that shows the notes along with tabs or guitar pro.

I didn't opt for the electric gutiar exams at Yamaha, so I'm not sure about that. But I think if you take exams, they'll make you focus a little more on theory, but if not, in my case, you just learn styles, scales, techniques..etc and of course a little of theory but it's not stressed upon. Credentials will be useful anyhow, even if you realize that in the end you don't really need it for anything.

IMHO, to jam in a band, it doesn't matter whether it's notations or tabs, some bands might even want you to play by ear. It's still best to try and remember the song you're playing instead. Trains you to be a musician that doesn't cry if you're rocking it out on stage without a music stand infront of you, lol.

I feel that depending on music sheet to play the electric guitar too much(along with the genres frequently played), it might become a handicap in the future. Best is still to learn your song well.
not everyone is a Hendrix/SRV or a _______ (add in your talented guitar god name here) so a knowledge of theory helps..

Interesting to note that many guitar gods today KNOW their theory work. Vai, Satch, Petrucci, etc etc... All are god in both instrument and music theory...
The real rock & roll way to play guitar is through your heart, soul; & most important thing is your balls!!!!!
i already have one.
his name is farid long and he's gonna get me implants yay!
i think we should continue this discussion thru PM.
sorry to hijack ur thread TS!
i already have one.
his name is farid long and he's gonna get me implants yay!
i think we should continue this discussion thru PM.
sorry to hijack ur thread TS!

SORRY ... I'm one of the poorest dudes here ...cant even affford the plants let alone the im
bro whitestrat

agree with you..today's fretboard wizards do have a sound knowledge of theory..I'm just stating that unless we are blessed with the gifts that were bestowed on a mr Jimi or a mr Stevie (both strats-masters btw)..a little theory goes a long way

knowing theory is like learning your ABC's..once you know it, it helps you to spell and construct sentences and engaged in meaningful conversations via your guitar with other musicians with their own mediums..

I'm a kampung-void deck guitarist for a good 20 years and I have taught guitar at a music school here..and it's humbling for me to re-learn my theory from a great teacher currently..and I am discovering new things on the guitar playing wise and technique wise

If you love guitar playing,it is always a joy learning and discovering new things about it.
Yeah i do agree that theory is important... Currently i am at a music school that do not have examnations for electric guitarists, the point is, do i need to go 4 exams? or can i learn further then go for exams next time when i am older? any places u all reccomend for electric guitar exams?
When I was younger all I ever wanted to do was rock out ...

Now that I'm sessioning more ... I find theory quite important....

However, sometimes the charts go wrong then I revt to my "auto pilot gut feel tchnique"
Theories' important, but I don't feel that exams are necessary, IMO.

Why do you want the certificate anyway?
If you wanna have a career in music lesson then a cert is a must of course, especially in Singapore.

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