Echo Park or DD3, line6 DL4 or Boss DD20?

1) Echo park if you want to be able to use tap tempo. DD3 if you want to be able to mod it for a more analog vibe.

2) I'd recommend the DD20 if you can get your hands on one. More presets on tap, ability to use external control for tap tempo, selection between instrument level and line level and lower probability of getting a dud unit dying on you, unlike the DL4 (from what people who've owned the units tell me). The DL4 gives you the option to use an external expression control to get crazy delay sounds on the fly. Also I think the DL4 might require a non-9v power supply for non-battery operation.

If tone is a factor, then you'll have to try the units out for yourself. Personally, I don't think the DD20 or DL4 trumps each other in terms of tone. They're good for modellers.
The Echo Park and DD-3 pair is not a apple-to-apple comparison, because Echo Park has tap-tempo function and DD-3 doesn't. Echopark and DD6 comparison is more like it. Be it DD-3/6, I would recommend the Echo Park.

A list of the extras that an Echo Park has:

Model switch (Tape, Echo, Digital)
Modulation knob
Trails switch (On/Off)

Like what many Tonecore users like to phrase it, there'r more "dimensions" in Tonecore pedals.

The pedal hardware design is unique, there are two levels of pedal switch depression: 1) depress all the way down to activate/deactivate the delay (you'll feel a click), 2) lightly depress to set the tempo. And what's more? Wait for the Tonecore modules to release, and you'll be able to reuse its Stereo Dock to fit in other effects modules. It stands out when place side-by-side with other pedals, making it easier to tap. Cool gear 8)

But there are things i don't like about it: it is a little more heavy and bulky. The turning knobs are abit flimsy. But these don't really bother me.

Go for the Echo Park! :D
i prefer the echopark to dd6. not sure about dd3. but the echpark tends to get noisy unless your using its own line adaptor. cos its optimum performance is at 9.6 volts i think. i run mine through a onespot, theres a bit of noise but its ok. a point to note, if you run more than 1 tonecore pedal thru the onespot, it gets super noisy.
forgot about that..

1) in terms of tone
2) voltage
3) no price comparison
4) user friendly
5) comparing functions...
6) ability to mod
Does this reek of harmony central?

Torrance, to be fair to you, since you might be a newbie, its much easier for us to help you find THE delay pedal for you if you tell us what YOU want/need/hope for.

Otherwise, I'll tell you forget all the rest and get an Echoczar.
torrance said:
forgot about that..

1) in terms of tone
2) voltage
3) no price comparison
4) user friendly
5) comparing functions...
6) ability to mod

Much better :D

1) echopark has that line6 sound which some people don't like. But it can do the warm thing. DD3 is clean with lots of definition.

2) Both take 9V but the echopark is known to take a lot more current and has noise issues with sharing supplies with other pedals.

3) none here then.

4) Both have a learning curve but the DD3 would be more user friendly because it has less functions to learn.

5) Echopark definitely has a lot more functions, and even a tap tempo with it's innovative stompswitch.

6) DD3 yes. Echopark almost impossible.
1. tone is really subjective. there isn't a better tone in this set of pedals. go try them out yourself.
2. no idea. check the corresponding websites.
3. na.
4. dd3 is easier to use than echopark. don't know about dl4 and dd20.
5. echopark has more functions than dd3. don't know about dl4 and dd20.
6. blueark has replied.

If you haven't tried the pedals yet though, go try them. Whatever everyone says in the forum counts for zilch if you get something absolutely fabulous to everyone else's ears but your own. you have to decide on 1) yourself.
I would recommend a DD-2 or an MIJ DD-3. both of them have the same functions btw, just that they are harder to find. IMO, there is more clarity in the delays as compared to the current MIT DD-3s. of course, the price is another matter :).
ShredCow said:
Does this reek of harmony central?

Torrance, to be fair to you, since you might be a newbie, its much easier for us to help you find THE delay pedal for you if you tell us what YOU want/need/hope for.

Otherwise, I'll tell you forget all the rest and get an Echoczar.

Yes im a newbie.

Ok, never really played around with delay pedals, so trying to get one which would start me off. I understand that the timing of the delay is "quite difficult" to control and thats where the tap comes in. As for the DL4, was looking not only at delay but more at loops.
ShredCow said:
Does this reek of harmony central?

Torrance, to be fair to you, since you might be a newbie, its much easier for us to help you find THE delay pedal for you if you tell us what YOU want/need/hope for.

Otherwise, I'll tell you forget all the rest and get an Echoczar.

Yes im a newbie.

Ok, never really played around with delay pedals, so trying to get one which would start me off. I understand that the timing of the delay is "quite difficult" to control and thats where the tap comes in. As for the DL4, was looking not only at delay but more at loops.

And all those are within my price range
Right, please state it out early, we can't read your mind! :wink:

Both DD3 & Echopark color tone. DD3 cuts treble, Line6 has that Line6 vibe going around the sound. No idea for DL4 or DD20, but I suspect they'll be along those lines.

Most people aren't too fussy about coloring tone when using delays though.
oh ok..

Its hard to get help here, as in where i live ( tokyo ). None of the japanese people can communicate or at least educate me on stuff like that so yeah.
torrance said:
Yes im a newbie.

Ok, never really played around with delay pedals, so trying to get one which would start me off. I understand that the timing of the delay is "quite difficult" to control and thats where the tap comes in. As for the DL4, was looking not only at delay but more at loops.

And all those are within my price range

In that case the Echopark is a nice balance to start you off on delays. Has a more user friendly tap tempo control compared to the DD6. The tap tempo is essential for delay effects IMHO. The DD20 has different parameters for each delay type and way too many options for repeats triggered by tap tempo, etc, for a novice. Same goes for the DL4 I think. For delays, most people usually need only one preset, unless they're some kind of delay freak. :) Depends a lot on the kind of music you play and whether you need to have a lot of different types of delays on hand to switch around with. I think most people would be quite okay with bending down and twiddling the knobs between songs.

But then again, if I were living in Japan, I might go around scouring for out of production boss delays...

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