EBS Multicomp

it comes with a really good sound. not much tweakability, but why would you want to tweak something that's already there. i'm using a maxon cp9pro+ awesome
I went through several compressors to find one that's optimal for my use (transparent sound, low noise high headroom), including the EBS Multicomp, Barber Tone Press, Diamond Compressor, T-Rex Comp Nova, MXR Supercomp. In the end, the only one that really worked out for me was the Aguilar TLC.

The EBS was cool, nice to have 3 modes that sound a tad different from each other. Although I'm not sure if I like the idea of using a compressor to alter my tone, that's not wat a compressor is meant for. But what blew me off it was the fact that it couldn't handle high signal inputs. Throw a really hot signal into it and it clips and distorts.

The active/passive switch didn't really work either, not to mention, switching it changes the tone >.> I actually very much prefer the onboard compressor on my EBS amp. I can clip the multicomp by digging in on a passive bass <.<

To be fair, I had the same problem with almost all the mentioned compressors. The Aguilar TLC has the highest headroom amongst em, not to mention, the most tweakable too. Loving it. Not to mention, its a hair cheaper than the EBS too :)
my active bass puts out a signal that is almost passive gain level with the knobs flat so the EBS works really great for me. :)

I really love the transparency and the subtle fattening of the tone. :)
to me only the tube sim mode actually does anything to alter the tone.. the mids get slightly more pronounced.. great for ballads.

the multiband and the standard mode don't really add anything to the sound of the bass... just the usual compressor fattening.. :)
Wasn't referring to his comments, but to ur post bout being convinced by that video to buy the EBS. Esp for a player with a light touch, the compressor would have an even lower influence on his sound.

Again, I'm not saying that the EBS sux. It's a good compressor, I just wish it had more headroom or if the active/passive switch actually does work.
Not my preferred solution. Turning the volume control changes the load on the pickups, which alters resonant peak. AKA changes the tone. High pickup height, no loading gives me the optimal tone from that bass. I have similar issues sometimes when doing anything relatively aggressive on my FBass as well. Boost only preamp = hot hot hot signal.
If you run your bass active, shouldn't the output be buffered (and therefore separate) from the pickups? Or is this not with your FBass
yeah I wanted to say thats pretty odd too.. that lowering the volume would change the tone of the bass.. especially an active one.
Not the FBass. Its my Benavente, which is run passive.

Either way, almost all active preamp + passive pickup combinations are buffered post volume control. So pickup loading still applies. Even for the FBass.
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That's true. Unless you put a buffered tuner in front of it and use a volume pedal (or use an internal buffer, which you might not have space for)... but I think that might be a bit extreme. You seem like someone who likes to keep it simple, especially with the FBass. And I highly doubt you'd want to load active EMGs into the Benavente
Definitely not EMGs :) I actually tried a few different pres on the benavente and ditched em all for passive. Liked the tone best that way. Anyway my problem was solved using the Aguilar TLC, which had alot more headroom than the EBS.