EBS Multicomp

Personally I find the amps underrated, and the pedals overrated =D Tried quite a few of the Black Label range, some of em were really disappointing. Especially the Octabass. The tracking was just too glitchy. While testing in the shop, it couldn't even track below B on the A string. The 3 modes didn't give that much tonal flexibility either. Does a good "natural" sounding octave, but can't do aggressive synthy sounds at all.

I still have my BassIQ though, however, its not a keeper, I'll eventually replace it. Sounds pretty ok, but there's only so much u can tailor the sound with 2 controls. That's the beauty but also the sore point for some about the EBS pedals. Controls are too simple.

That said, I still want to get a Microbass. So at least I can have my EBS preamp sound on the go.
ah i just realised the TLC is a relatively new unit.. I followed the thread on TB for awhile last year.. quite good reviews.
Yeah i think it was launched in mid 2009. Excellent stuff IMO. I'm not a fan of the onboard OBPs, but I think they've done a really good job with the TLC and Octamizer.
I've owned the Demeter Compulator and EBS Multicomp.

I dunno why, my preference is still the EBS Multicomp, and have been on my pedal board for how long let me remember... close to 4 years already, still working great and no intention of changing it.

my Demeter Compulator however has been sitting on the shelf doing absolutely nothing :)

I have not tried the new Aguilar TLC compressor yet.... I think I will like it, but right now there's really no reason nor a need to change out my excellent EBS Multicomp.