earvana nut

is it for an esp part? Davis comes to mind for ordering ESP replacement parts.

Otherwise, google for some dealers...
not esp.. i wanna replace the nut on my guitar.. its kinda worn and starting to screw up my tuning.. or mayb graph tech nuts??
i think GW has Earvana, Maestro definitely has Graphtech.

Search for their contacts if you need to speak to them before going down.
Nope! :)

Everything adds a little bit of something in exchange of the loss of something.

You have to do your research, form your opinions, because its your guitar.

And thats the beauty of it. :D
jony said:
Feitenize it?

Again, some people claim it makes the guitar sound different, in a bad way.

But most say its heavenly.

I dunno. :) Personally, a well cut nut and strobe intonated guitar will do well enough. My ears are not sensitive enough.
You can pop over to the Bone nut thread to read a bit. I would say a well cut nut is much more important than nut material. Of course, a quality well cut ivory nut is probably very nice, but there's no need to go to that kind of extravagance imo.
I'd say pay Kai Chin at Guitar Connection a visit to do your nut job. He does a pretty good nut job for a reasonable price.

When I think of nut jobs I think of Kai Chin :lol:
im using an earvana nut myself, it came standard with my ESP LTD explorer. Unless you play open chords exclusively, i dont really see much use for the nut
guitarnub said:
im using an earvana nut myself, it came standard with my ESP LTD explorer. Unless you play open chords exclusively, i dont really see much use for the nut

I HEARD that Earvana is supposed solved some intonation problems on the fretted areas?
Earvana nut, buzz feiten etc are methods of scale length compensation. Guitar tuning is based on equal temperament so it will be out of tune by equal amounts in all keys. What earvana and buzz feiten try to achieve is, make the guitar sound more in tune in the guitar friendly keys like E, A, D, C etc, the sharp keys basically. To put it in a negative way , it is like 'rearranging' the problem on the guitar.

Scale length compensation is also used by PRS, melancon and some other hi end makers, no big deal actually considering how many people mess up their intonation using harmonics on the 5-7 fret.

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