Earth hour 2011: What did you do?



what did we do for Earth Hour? considering musicians/ instrumental hobbyists are some of the most dependent on electricity, we should play our part when the time comes. perhaps many of us ignored the EH by virtue of its limitations (1hr only- how much electricity could we save?) but for the rest of us who participated, no matter how minimal the efforts, please share what you did...
i continue to on my light and ponder about the irony of us who do such thing on this day and to/had waste even more things before and after the campaign.

We love to do extra things for the sake of it.
Earth Hour has been "too successful" for it's own good. All the gigs, parties, movie screenings etc organised to celebrate it means that large numbers of people 1) drive/travel to these events, 2) eat and drink more, 3) do unnecessary things like lighting candles, which just uses more resources than simply staying home and supporting the spirit of Earth Hour, which is conservation. And conservation is something you can do 24/7 at home, not for 1 hour a year.
its interesting and funny at the same time as what carboxy mentioned. The awareness of such thing is definitely good, but the process of spreading the awareness is in contrast to what they are trying to promote.

Each of us can prolly do our part, before and after, but what cant be stop are across all the industries which prolly use more resources and causing more damages to the environment every day at an alarming rate.

Iam in no way a tree hugger, but prolly can do a tiny part, not with the notion of saving the earth, but as a normal thinking person who dont wanna waste things.

earth hours, good marketing campaign, just like what they say in local context, politically, "more good years, ahead". Sounds good, but ironical in the process of progression.