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Any idea where to get them? I REALLY dunwanna lose my hearing thru jamming at such a young age. hahaha. Any earmuffs/ earplugs Specially for musicians? My drummer plays like freakin loud and seems to have a prob in playing soft.. like not used.. so yea.. any recommendations and where i can get them? It would be great if they look cool too! hahah.
how old are you?

and wad's the point of jamming if u muff the sounds?
chester277 said:
how old are you?

and wad's the point of jamming if u muff the sounds?

It can be seen that somehow you are ignorant about this matter.

By exposing yourself to prolonged noise, it can cause acoustic trauma (injury caused by loud noise) to the hair cells.

If you are familiar with the term "Once U gotta go means, U gotta go".

Once U hearing is gone, there's no way u are going to recover it back.

Or have U ever try to jam with earplugs?

Wat basically the earplugs does is to block those ultra-piercing noise level when everybody's playing their instruments.

By wearing earplugs, in my experience, it does not muffle anything but it helps U as a player to hear clearly.

Don't wait until U're affected by hearing loss and then U Kao Beh Kao Bu!!
im 17. And i play a lot by hearing. And i wanna continue to do so. hahaha. Ear plugs effective meh? hahah. once cymbals are crashed hard ull think.. DAMN! hahaha
chester277 said:
and wad's the point of jamming if u muff the sounds?

Pardon me, I can't resist saying what I thought when I heard this. :lol:

In reference to condoms...
What's the point of having sex if you stop the sperm? :P

Anyway dude, go to sim lim square, 3rd floor, hung brothers. Then buy these:

Etymotic ER20. They have a fairly flat response so they won't make the drums sound like plastic pails.

Cost is about $20 if I recall. I'm using these. Used the cheap sponge ones for like 5 mins before I threw them away.

If you really serious, there's this ear specialists near golden mile hotel near bugis, they sell these too, and if you want they can take a mold of your ear and do a really professional one for maybe a 100 bucks.
theblueark: thx! hmm is there a distinct cutting down of volume to u? haha..

Hmm and which would work better? Earmuffs or Earplugs?
I'm not sure about earmuffs, but these are great. Definetely cuts the volume down quite a bit. The problem is if only you wear it in the band, then you might have to turn up your amp louder so you can hear it, thereby annoying all your bandmates.

Of course this depends on how loud you guys are as a band. Right now my drummer whacks really hard and recently just broke a snare skin. So we all turn up and I pretty much can't play without using the earplugs or i'd be experiencing ringing after every session.

The real solution of course, is to actually get the whole band to turn down (good heavens did I just suggest that :P )
maybe u could try re-positioning yourself away from the drummer.. even a few feet makes a lot of difference. The ear plugs are a good suggestion.
I've got a pair of the etymotics always in my guitar bag. Usually in spacious rooms not that much of a problem for noise level, but sometimes in a smaller jamming room the drums inevitably will be much louder.

That's where the earplugs really is a lifesaver, like what superkicky said about having messed up hearing for 2 days really ain't nice.

We musicians spend thousands of dollars on our instruments and tools, but for less than 30 bucks to protect our hearing.....we put it off as un-manly or discomfort? Food for thought... :roll:
Haha.. honestly speaking for etymotic users out there.. are they bang for buck? Cos i duwanna spend 20 bucks.. den like not notice any diff.. haha. ive used e ones they use in NS for rifle.. lol like no use 1..
The best earplugs would be if you don't hear a difference but you don't have the ringing effect in your ears after the jam.

The etymotics work great. Of course if you blast above a certain level there's only so much it can protect you from.
so u will use 2 sticks out of ur ears when u wear them on?

hmmm i'm using those cheapo ear plugs from guardian.
Its reduces the high freq, ear piercing sound waves. Anything with high freq is filtered out. And it helps a lot in the discomfort when jamming.

i had an ear nerve damaged once and one of the freq couldnt be heard. So doctors ask me to protect my ears in the future if i stil wan the rest of my nerves to be functioning well.
superkicky said:
when your hearing goes for 2 days after jamming... then you'll understand the need for earplugs :)

oi go buy a pair for kl i don't wanna be earplug-less because you take mine again.

genscidal: the eymotics really work. i used to use crap foam ones, then i switched to the crap army ones, and both of them don't really work and cut out certain frequencies when they do. the etymotics just make it sound softer but not muffled. the only thing is it blocks some of the fizz from my guitar at high gain so must take them out to set tone :D

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