Dweezil Zappa and Guthrie Govan on Axe Fx II


According to Dweezil Zappa (he posted on Fractal Audio Forum):

"I haven't been on the site in a while. I'm using the Axe II currently and I have been enjoying all of the new features in 3.02. Last Night in Manchester England my friend Guthrie Govan came on stage and joined us during the song "Chunga's Revenge." He played through my back up Axe-Fx on a patch we made that featured a Friedman amp model.

Guthrie has his own axe effects and has only recently been dialing it in. Last night was his first time using in ear monitors and an Axe effects in a live situation. If anyone is curious to hear it I have posted a small clip of the Front Of House Mix on my site."


And yes, Guthrie Govan just ordered a Axe Fx II and a MFC101. Bet he's not put on the waiting list. LOL!!