I guess it depends on different people. I expected to have trouble, but after using Jazz IIIs and then suddenly switching back to regular Fender mediums, I did not experience much difficulty. Just did some adjustments to my grip. But then I don't shred much so perhaps there's less trouble for me.
I also have a V-pick Lite and it's very awesome, but I generally don't use it much because it's very thick and I generally don't use thick picks that much, but it's really a whole different animal compared with the Jazz IIIs. The V-pick Lite in comparison is smoother with a warmer, fatter sound, and is less punchy and slightly softer because of the smooth tip, whereas the Jazz IIIs have quite a sharp tip. The grip's a little different too but I'd say the difference is in the tip.
Jazz IIIs are also available at Standard Value and SV Guitars (also $1 per pick if I'm not wrong).