I think the anwar guy you are talking about is the tall skinny guy with specs right??? if it was him, ya he's good. James was my teacher too if I can remember carefully, he's the short guy with shoulder length hair?? I think he played for band with Douglas O.
that time i was 16. On the 1st day of class (group) i asked him whether I can advance to the next level, cause I can play drums. but after opening that green book i realised i was in trouble cause i cannot read sia.
poor thing there's another lady who picked up drumming cause she wants to play for church, always kanna scolded for being not "rhythmically" in tune. But he's a good teacher. yah sometime we jam together.
Luckily before i entered Yamaha I was self taught by listening repeatedly to Slayer, Sepultura, Metallica.
The funny part is my friends complained that the longer I studied in Yamaha. the suckier I played ha ha ha how ironic. I think because of the frequent counting in the head and not concentrating the jam session. ok la James ok to me. maybe because he never act ya ya to me. IMHO