Drum "robot" - This is so cool

Just thought I'd post about this amazing device on these forums to see what other musicians think about it.


Looks pretty damn good for a small act. Not saying it could replace a real drummer, but real drummers have too much attitude and are difficult to come by - and I say that as a drummer. Can also be used for a solo act if you're into music like Reignwolf, for example.

What do you think about it?
Not really useful if you ask me. Might as well use a drum machine.
A drum machine doesn't have enough presence though. I mean, if you're using a drum machine, then why not pre-recorded drums and so on - a slippery slope. With this, you could use the house kit at least. Seems like it would be very handy to a small duo or solo act, you could get it to accompany you even on a cajon.
Well, this and the drum machine are both playing back midi information. It will be easier to get good sound with a drum machine.
Well, this and the drum machine are both playing back midi information. It will be easier to get good sound with a drum machine.

That's a good point, but at least it's something being physically played, as opposed to a sample being triggered.
Here's an interesting video that sort of demonstrates what I meant about acoustic feedback: https://www.instagram.com/p/BF7OI-ojDE1/?taken-by=madeinpolyend
Seems to me that if you have a crappy kit, it would sound crappy, or if you had a great kit, it would sound great. But at least it will be the same kit that everyone is using at a gig.
On the other hand,
I think the device costs too much, but then again, so does everything else.
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There are things it can't do like a drummer though, such as adapting to changes in timing, which might be a clincher for a lot of people, especially if you are not metronome perfect.
But anyone who has had trouble getting a drummer could definitely consider this as a way around the problem. You can even get it to play a cajon, or a xylophone.

Or if you'd like you can use it as a solo guitarist. Here's a picture of the
"brain" of the unit. Notice the stomp switches. Just hit one to hit a drum piece. So you could hit the bass drum, a snare and a cymbal, sort of like Steve Hill (if you haven't checked him out, do so, very cool music by a one-man band).

