Drive Pedal


New member

I was thinking of replacing my boss odb3 with a good/better drive pedal. Not that the boss sucks, just don't like it personally.

Looking for a little dirt/tube driving pedal... reccomandations?

I was looking into the modded ts9s and bd-2s (randolfed. not keeley... no $$$), but they seem to have mixed reviews on the issue on low-end loss. Anyone who owns these care to comment?
iIgots an ibanez PD7 for sale if you're interested. No low end loss at all. 3 modes (clean boost, OD, dist) and 3 attack settings (emphasizes upper harmonics). PM me!
got a big muff already goose 8O

heh, looking for something less fuzzy, just to make it sound angry enough, but not lunatic

avon: hm... i'll try that out some time when i do go down to sweelee or something. i'll let ya noe.,.. thanks for the offer

subversion did mention the ts9dx... it looks tempting. can't wait to try it out... hope it works for me

it's jsut the randolf-ed pedals. i've never tried them out before. tot maybe someone might be able to enlighten me of its usefulness
the problem with overdrives for guitars like the TS9 is that they tend to chop off some bass response, hence the (in)famous "low end loss" issue. The reason why most fuzzes would work is due to their transparency.

it is very noticeable esp. when played through bigger wattage amps. I was using the Danelectrco Fab overdrive and the boss SD-1 before. It sounded great through my home practice amp but when I play in gigs and in jam studios, the loss in the low end is apparent. i had to tweak my EQ agressively to compensate, which meant my clean was too boomy.

so I went on to try drives voiced for basses. first was the Odb-3. honestly, it sounded like crap, no matter how i tried to adjust it. thin, plastic and noisy as heck. The Ibanez PD7 was much better but now the DOD bass grunge has knocked it off thanks to its stereo outputs. btw, i'm selling the PD7 at only $60 :D
Eh coincidence, I'm also looking for a simlar drive pedal. From what I researched, its quite hard to find a nice pedal to does that for bass. Depending on what you want (dynamic/compressed), I'd take a really bold step by recommending the Sansamp GT2. Yes, the guitar one. I tried the behringer clone of it, the GDI121 or something, its damn nice! warm with some bass boost. and hell of a versatile pedal. I'm only assuming the GT2 would sound smilar but with much better parts and components to last longer. Cheerz
a simple mod can put back the bass response in almost any pedal ... :lol:

for bass tone with bite ...overdrives or distortions are whack !!

Fuzz is love. 3nab's lil big muff is still sitting pretty in my pedal chain... heh.

I'm jsut experimenting with pedals i guess, and i'm not very impressed with the odb-3, cos the lbm makes it rather obsolete. and i just love the sound of the tube-like drive on the guitar runnning on a bd/ts, and would love to use it on bass. Now all's left is to look for a good one
Drive pedal, am using a mesa boogie V1, i got it to work as a guitar drive pedal but it also works lovely as a bass drive pedal. It has tonnes of bass response so its a natural. The tone is superb, i do not max the gain so it just adds a bit of tube grit to the tone, rough on the edges but still maintains the bass natural tone..
the sansamp BDDI, as much as it colours the tone, gives a nice grind to the sound. stu hamm uses it for a heavy drive and i think it rocks. not fuzz-like but almost metallish. turn up some drive and it has a nice subtle crunch and sparkle.
I have the randolfed BD-2.. I made some clips a while back for 3nab but I don't have them anymore. Maybe you can get them from him? Anyway, I didn't notice much low-end suck even with the gain turned up. If you play with more than 2 guitars it might get lost in the mix though. It does provide a very nice light grind if you're into that sort of thing.

As for the blowtorch, you can go down to Ebenex to try one out. They had one in stock the last time I was there. It's exactly what it says on the box; midrange distortion that cuts through the mix like nobody's business...
i heard the sound clips on the keeley site for the keeley mod bd-2, and it sounded pretty damn good! if the randolf is close to it....

Hi there,
Tanx to the wonderful folks who responded ok now that I got my own issues with my Magicstomp resolved I'm back! :)

Drop me an email anytime to fix an appointment and describe ur tonal situation and I'll see what's most doable for you. Cheers! :)