dreads is known to be originated from africa... just as somebody had mentioned earlier in this thread that u have to leave ur hair unwashed for sometime and keep twirling it and it will naturally knot up... well that was a method long ago... africa being in a state of imporverty back then as it is now, not many had the decent luxuries as we have like styling gel, haircuts and such... true, when someone say he is rastafarian u would assume that he is from jamaica... but the religion, or the teachings of it is based on this one man itself... EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE I, THE KINGS OF KINGS, THE LORDS OF LORDS, THE CONQUORERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH... he was basically the king of Ethiopia back in the early 20s... u guys should check out on the net bout him cause there would be too much information for me to convey... basically, when ppl are being oppresed, in this case the ppl of jamaica, they needed someone to look up to... the history of the religion is extensive... so yah, thats it for now... :?