Dos & Don'ts onstage


New member
Hmm..if it was my 1st time being onstage in school , are there any things i should never do onstage? Like bring a string?

I am gonna play the last waltz....tried rattling my vintage tremolo arm really hard and the B string just broke.
ok.. thru my experience which i wanna share wif u... during onstage remain calm n concentrate on the song tht u perform n put up a good showmanship after all u want ppl to b entertain... day b4 it hav a good rest n ensure tht all equipment r fully prepared... well tht's all folks!! n good luck during ur performance.. c ya! :wink:
Don't worry if your string breaks. draw ur audience's attention away from it. There was once a same thing happened to a seasoned musician on stage and he just whipped out a new string like a knight drawing his sword from his sheath. The audience laughed and the show went on.
Tripping over cables and fall down, while performing.... :lol: Or even better trying to act real cool and jump to the beat while performing, and falling down. :P

There is always the commom guitar falling off the strap, forgetting the lenght of the cable and pulled it loose......arrrgh no sound at the best part.

All these plus the string break problem can be prevented if reherasal done properly and improvement made to gear before the actual event.
mikemann said:
Tripping over cables and fall down, while performing.... :lol: Or even better trying to act real cool and jump to the beat while performing, and falling down. :P

There is always the commom guitar falling off the strap, forgetting the lenght of the cable and pulled it loose......arrrgh no sound at the best part.

All these plus the string break problem can be prevented if reherasal done properly and improvement made to gear before the actual event.

hmm thats so true..falling on stage. I wanna try the thing malmsteen does , u know swing the guitar in a circle to get that motorcycle vibrato sound. Is there such a thing as a cordless cable?
of course there is man...heaps of guitarist use beena round for quite some time....and its really convenient for the player...
Yeah, a wireless transmitter is a must get for the serious gigster, you sacrafice a bit of sound quality though, but in live situtation, normally the audience will not notice.

But again, must consider that there are still wire for everything else on the floor. So the performer must still be self aware when on stage. Unless you are a superstar, got tons of roadies at your beckoning.
heclak said:
Don't worry if your string breaks. draw ur audience's attention away from it. There was once a same thing happened to a seasoned musician on stage and he just whipped out a new string like a knight drawing his sword from his sheath. The audience laughed and the show went on.

Coordinate beforehand with your other members ... if something does go amiss, the drummer could always go for a drum solo.

Alternatively, I'd always go with a spare guitar.
worst thing that happened to me was a broken string, and it was my band's second last song, and we only had a classical-electric (dunno what it's called, those CGs with EQ and pickup) and i had to play a rock song through that..and i couldn't hold the guitar properly as i had no classical strap...lesson learnt was to either have a backup guitar, two pack of fresh strings, a string winder, and of course, a wire cutter...
Don't throw or abuse the microphone.. And dun swing all your water bottles till the water spills out and touches the electricity. And 1 rule, the soundman knows what he's doing. Dun try arguing with him.
doing the malmsteen thingy? Maybe a really confirmed secured guitar strap and a wireless setup. If not the cable just go round and round like a python....
For me to get a good showmanship is to get the feel of the song that ur going to perform..... Having a stage fright is the one u need to avoid coz that will spoilt all the showmwanship that ur doing n the rhythm n drums also plays n important part in the performance of a band together with the tightness of the sound effect........Lastly ROCK ON GUYS.........
Dont do something you dont want to your self - don't worry about what the audience thinks, at all. If in the unlikely case of somone saying something, just tell them - 'were you on stage'?
heh i like making people feel happy...most of the people in my school don't see visual tricks so if i do the around the world , its kinda like a pioneer thingy..

btw if i don't have money to buy strap locks , can i use rubberband?
get one of those d'addario ones... the straplock with the sling or the small individual types one. The Straplock with sling goes for < $10 and the small ones go for < $5. :lol: