Don't you miss the days when........

punggol rawks. there used to be bus service 81 , 82 and my house area...

now left service 82... haizz...
but punggol still rawks.
I missed the days when playing with toys were more popular than computer games...

some toys to list:
- rhino
- condor
- switchblade
- piranha
- boulder hill

- he-man & battle cat
- castle grayskull
- skeletor
- man at arms

- cant recall the names but they had a cool line for every character

anyone remember the cartoon where the character says Power Extreme!!! (man and machine) cant recall the name....
3notesAbar said:
I miss the days when cigarettes cost 2 bucks /10 sticks man. anyway today cold turkey :D sentiments exactly!
miss those small packs...sigh..

just the other day i saw those parachute soldier toys! at toys r us...haha..
Mr_X said:
BF109E, u left out punggol bus company too. Hahaha

Ya haw, too many bus companies to remember. Seldom take bus from that company except to go Kangkar or Punggol. As I stay in Serangoon Gardens then, I usually take Tay Koh Yat Bus Co No 9 to go Orchard Road and STC No. 18 or 18B to go downtown to North Bridge Road and Shenton Way and I think Paya Lebar Bus Co No 3 to go to Katong.

Man, those will trying times remembering which bus from which company to take.

Defoe said:
- he-man & battle cat
- castle grayskull
- skeletor
- man at arms

b tw ... he man and the "mastaaaaaaaaas of daaaaaaaaaaa universssssssssseeeeeeee" is back on kids central
hahaz..I remember:
1) The days when Abbas Saad played for Singapore and David Lee was the most awesome goalkeeper i saw play.....Hahaz.....
2) When I wore my pants high high in primary skool like some kuku bird....
3) WheN I had to choose my own cane from the nearby provision shop...That was juz plain sadistic...hahaz..I always chose the orange one..
4)the infamous caning by moi mudda!..... Hhahz...Kids nowadays respect for elders sia!! I reckon the Singapore Government should make caning compulsory...who needs NS??!!? Hahaz...compulsory Caning will do..toughen up those kids from a young impressionable age....
5) Boybands were the Shit on TV.......WOOOoohoo! Take 5...Take That..Take this...!! and Metallica was the baddies...EVILL!!
6) when 'yours truly' shout at girls becoz u were infatuated with them...:D
7) Catching was exciting...!
8) When wrestling was exciting....
9) When i didnt have to wear specs....
And last but not least,
10) All u had to say to terminate a friendship was..."I dun friend u liao!!"
Hehez..Ah peks..Kudos....all my dai gor and Da Jie...Future Leaders of Singapore... Still potential President or MPs?:D I'm 17 now lor...
aNTi_aP said:
hahaz..I remember:
1) The days when Abbas Saad played for Singapore and David Lee was the most awesome goalkeeper i saw play.....Hahaz........

the good old days where eric cantona was still with man U and he kung fu kicked a fan ... the days when the S - league and singapore football was great
WWF with Hulk Hogan, Mr Perfect, Mr Wonderful, Andre the Giant, Jake The Snake Roberts, Danny Boy Smith, JYD, Kumala, Power of Pains, The Demolitions, KoKo Beware, Honky Tong Man, Jimmy Snuka Supa Fly, Yokozuna, Bam Bam Bigolo, Randy Savage, Million Dollar Man, Undertaker.....

All 2 generations before The Rock era. Those were really entertaining, today is still entertaining, but looks more packaged.
I like wrestling a few years back....when people like essa rios and such were there around 1999-2002 but the wwe doesn't appeal to me so much now...
Some things just cannot add in more elements like "reality" and "political correctness", like than loose the taste.

Commercial Wrestling is by nature meant to be "Larger than Life". But these days, they don't make up the wrestlers like superman and have catch phrase like Hogan's "If you want pythons like my, eat your greens, little brother" to small kids like popeye.

haha....we get jokers like Calito Cool who 'spits' in the face of people who are not 'cool'......hahaha :lol: :lol:
i missed the days when the still built stairways to heaven.

now everbody wants to fly there in budget airline

:P just kiddin !
There used to be a very popular and very long running malay TV children programme called "MAT YO YO".

With the uncle and 2 little girl 'cats'.....haha.

Catchy tune too....maybe some band can revive the tune....hahaha. :lol: :lol: :lol:
hahaha a...

i missed the days of TV2 and TV3 got the "ibu ibu dangsat .." song with the milo drinking kids getting fetched by their mom in the rain as the schoolbus drops them off ...

political brainwashing but meaningful
stars said:
the good old days where eric cantona was still with man U and he kung fu kicked a fan ... the days when the S - league and singapore football was great

S League(?!?) and Singapore football was never great.. maybe perhaps only during Malaysia Cup days... i still remember the Abba Saad corruption case..
S League was....exciting!.....not now... ....initially..but not now......but off topic...Hahaz
I miss:
wearing primary school
cycling around my estate.....
playing Soccer in surin Park/ Charlton Park.
Kinda wish i was a small kid all over again....Sigh..:D
I miss Simpsons when it used to be funny. I miss WWF(it's F mind you, always will be) with Razor Ramon and Diesel and Shawn Micheals and Undertaker with his gloves.... I miss malaysia cup buying those magazines with those team posters and stuff .... I miss going to opera estate primary then always take school bus go home then i always bully those gi na kids .... I miss stealing money from kids smaller in size... last 2 sentences i joking .....
i miss the days when the backstreet boys , westlife and nsync were the 3 major players in the boy band era craze (1998-2002). i was in primary 4 back then and i juz missed BSB's hit singles like "get down" "backstreet's back" "larger than life" etc and not to forget westlife's super nice ballads like "swear it all over again" and "why do i love you" and nsync's "bye bye bye" and "it's tearing up my heart".
although i had the vaguest idea of gals and love back den , i still loved to sing along to those songs and i will always remember the days of the dad used to go into my room and shut me up for singing too loud in the middle of the night...oh well dat's still the case even until now =p

and now wad do we have????

xxxx bombarding the english music industry wif their so called "brand" of hip hop rap music which goes nothing but "boom boom boom yo yo wazzup dude" -_-
now that really turns me off so much so that i have switched from listening to english hip hop to chinese hip hop wif Jay Chou and Energy as the pioneers of it and i must say , they are indeed very creative wif their hip hop music as compared to their xxxx counterparts.even 5566 are moving away from the ballad scene and composing more hip hop songs.
basically ever since 2002 , english songs has lost it's touch in terms of creativity dat i have now switched from listening to english pop to chinese pop now....

[edited by soft]