Don't you miss the days when........

i miss the days of WTC amphitheatre.
where bands like Tri-Ryche, Manifest, Dethmute, Global Chaos, held gigs at.
i would go over with my sec sch "members"(now half of my band) and hang out at the amphitheatre, cool breeze, good good music....then reach home late kena scold every weekend. :lol:

i miss the days when there was a jamming studio called Viva Musicarama. Over at Bukit Timah. That was the first jamming studio that I went to. Can remember the room's name.. "Fire Rock Studio" There we would jam the usual jammer's anthem, Creep from Radiohead...Nirvana,an attempt on Metallica's Enter Sandman...hahaha...

but most of all...i miss David Letterman. OI! Mediacorp!! Bring him back lah!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
GrimBrody said:
i miss the days of WTC amphitheatre.

Haha.......those were my days too. VIVA rulz man!! Back then when telecommunications were still on wire, most of the time we didn't book a room, just go there and hope there is a room available. Seng Chai was doing a roaring trade then and Boon was still quite a newbie in the studio business. We started in some obscure studio at west coast market, as I studied in Yusoff Ishak Sec Sch. Mostly I just go with my pals and hang in the studio, sometime make some noise.

The WTC amphitheater, I believe should be in my senior years or poly days. Yeah, also went there sometime to see the bands and also bring some fishing gear to try luck. come quite a long way dude. Kudos to you.

Mikemann Music Studio
hahaha..mike..didnt know that you studied so near!
we were from jin tai sec sch dude! supremos of the west!
altho i never did make the cut..hehe. :oops:

hahaha...yeah man..we didnt have any handphones or anything. take 176 from the west coast park bus stop all the way to bt timah. if i am not wrong the jamming studio doubled up as a laser disc rental shop rite?

WTC's the youth park of then man...hah..i feel so friggin old!
kudos to you too mike! :lol:
last time guys like to gel their hair so much dat it seems like the hair is fixed to their head.... dat they cant even do dis---->:supz: lol
n they like to wear those very tight jeans.. 8)
I miss the days when my pals would just go to a studio anytime, anywhere, and anyHow. Why? Cos these days, everything is so planned to the max. haha. Its hard to be spontaneous these days!


i miss those days too man...back in my nafa days, once the lecturer lets us off early, some of my classmates n me would scoot off to peninsular plaza and rent that small jamming room at dan's studio. dusty drums and guitars..hahaha..but it was great fun. tried to form some indie/stoner band...hahaha..ended up ripping off U2's with or without you to a faster beat and angsty babble for verses.

life was so much simpler back then i have to admit.
Here is some more.....

When we had a truly great man as president, Dr Benjamin Henry SHEARES...... :smt083

When Ah bengs wore baggy pants, loose shirts roaming Orchard, they were called "Centerpoint Kids" back then........ :smt071

Big news in Singapore is the cable car collision...... :smt103

The bad hair years in the 90's......... :smt073
When.. "Mummy mummy, remember to tape for me 'Gao Xiao Xing Dong' ah, tonight 8 leh, dont forget. I must sleep early tmr got school."
GrimBrody said:
life was so much simpler back then i have to admit.

Last time i pontang school just to play music with my buddies :D Sometimes when we were broke...OK when we were often broke, we simply came over to my old place and played acoustic guitars in a decrapit squash court. The sound of Eagles's Hotel California + squash court acoustics still rings in my head haha. Damn i miss my 400 dollar black cralor yamaha folk plug in.
Mr Mikemann, are you sure you are that old? Policeman in shorts are in the sixties man. Whatever, thanks, this thread is for old people like me.
Keep yr postings coming pals
Singapore Police hold free rock concerts?

Mid eighties. Open air free concert at Police Academy field. Massive turnout. When Tokyo Square sang "Wo Ai Ni.." the crowd followed with "I f--- youuu". Chants of "We Want Sweet, We Want Sweet" because the clever organisers wanted to save Sweet Charity for the finale. They wisely decided to bring out Sweet Charity and the concert proper for the Mats really started.

Yeah man.. thems the good ole days.
3notesAbar said:
Last time i pontang school just to play music with my buddies Sometimes when we were broke...OK when we were often broke, we simply came over to my old place and played acoustic guitars in a decrapit squash court. The sound of Eagles's Hotel California + squash court acoustics still rings in my head haha. Damn i miss my 400 dollar black cralor yamaha folk plug in.

haha..dude...those were the void deck days sia...hehehe

for me n my band mates in particular..we had a study hut thingy, all would bring their Kapoks and TGMs (no money to buy yamaha) acoustics and "train" before we go to jam on another day..

we should project one day! play some casiopea! u wanna? some straight up jazz fusion sia...hehehe.. :twisted:
we can also project "TOTO"..LOL...not the lottery but the band hor..
Re: Singapore Police hold free rock concerts?

cromodora said:
Mid eighties. Open air free concert at Police Academy field. Massive turnout. When Tokyo Square sang "Wo Ai Ni.." the crowd followed with "I f--- youuu". Chants of "We Want Sweet, We Want Sweet" because the clever organisers wanted to save Sweet Charity for the finale. They wisely decided to bring out Sweet Charity and the concert proper for the Mats really started.

Yeah man.. thems the good ole days.

wah man...hahaha...Tokyo Square!! Max Surin rite?if i am not wrong lah ..hehehe..
Sweet Charity was the Deep Purple of Singapore man...

them good ole days...
GrimBrody said:
for me n my band mates in particular..we had a study hut thingy, all would bring their Kapoks and TGMs (no money to buy yamaha) acoustics and "train" before we go to jam on another day....

Haha its cool you mentioned Kapok, cos i bought one a few months ago, my only guitar haha. Hey man, i dont mind Toto project, and some of the easier Casiopea :D Maybe we could do something that covers all the songs we 'never got to cover' haha.
easier casiopea?!

you tell me got any of casiopea's songs can classify as easy or not...hahaha...but i welcome the challenge bro!
i tried the drums last time for casiopea's "Eyes of Mind" with my uncle..halfway thru drumstick dunno go where, cymbal fly here fly there...hahaha..

Akira Jimbo is like the Malmsteen of drums to me sia.. (ok this is my own opinion..dun want other forummers to start bringing in all the drum legends into this thread)

Casiopea was big in the 80s rite..and early 90s too..
i have an mp3 file of them combining with Level 42...holy friggin smokes..jazz fusion greats exploding!!

and also..i miss..
Asia Bagus
Rollin Good Times
KopiKat Klan (eh Why you so like dat ah?!) :lol:
Humpback Oak
Bibik Belachan (hahahahaha)
Yo Mikeman!

I was from YISS too!! Which batch were u from??

The thing that I really really miss back then was all the cool cartoons man... Transformers, He-Man, Thundercats, GI Joe, Silverhawk, etc... U cant get any better than that...

Oh yah, local radio was playin metal back then.. Nowadays its just...
Cavett said:
The thing that I really really miss back then was all the cool cartoons man... Transformers, He-Man, Thundercats, GI Joe, Silverhawk, etc... U cant get any better than that...

BRAVESTARR........................ :smt066
Cavett said:
Yo Mikeman!

I was from YISS too!! Which batch were u from??

Hi Cavett,

If I not wrong, should be between 1987-1990. When the school was still at West Coast. Then were still I believe 2 or 3 houses there which are kumpong style. :smt117
