Doing my 'N' level and thought of joining ITE...

i would like to mix with friends who plays guitar ...So far in my pri and sec life,i havent mix with gangsters yet...NOT EVEN smoking and never even tried before....So am i suit to be in the ITE? coz i really aim for courses...

By the way lightmrwan_sg , Im staying in Simei Street 1 , beside Metta school....are u from normal tech student or acad or even express??and are you nitec or HIGHER nitec currently???I'd like to know more....

just as long as you don't give in to peer pressure, yeah.. but you've got the opportunity to aim for o level.. you should do that man..

i'm normal tech.. and nitec.. -_-
dude.. if you're REALLY REALLY into studies then sec 5 is the route for you. If you don't think you can handle sec5 , go to higher nitec straight. Don't waste another year struggling with O's and end up going higher nitec still.

ps: lucky to have chaserr as my classmate in the higher nitec course.
guess how much fun we're having :D
alermak u blow my cover ar holas, One crazy guy, scream all the way in class, btw sorry la just now u had to tak 24 because of me haha.
alermak u blow my cover ar holas, One crazy guy, scream all the way in class, btw sorry la just now u had to tak 24 because of me haha.

don't off topic la. lol.

anyway , just mix with the correct people and you can't go wrong. good luck.
hmm i dunnohow you feel but i VERY STRONGLY recommend you give a go at O levels and go to Poly or even a JC. Trust me tis gonna be WAAY more worth it.

Sadly the singapore society is such that if you're an ITE graduate many doors close on you. im sure youve heard people say "ITE= Its the End"

so if you work hard now, get good grades then later on, you will elad a much better life.

i believe "suffer now, enjoy later rather than enjoy now, suffer later"

hope my message gets across to you bro. all the best int he decision you make

I also thought the same way... When I was doing my 'N' levels I thought I'd screw it up. So I planned to go ITE and forget about 'O' levels. In the end I made it to sec 5. Almost dropped out because I wasn't confident about the 'O's, but decided to give it a shot. Managed to get into Republic polytechnic. No regrets at all.

So yeah, you're limiting yourself because of what you think. Sorry if I may be a bit direct here, but you're being way too negative, and way too hard on yourself. Just give secondary 5 a try, you might actually get into one of the polytechnics or even JC. Just give it all you've got. If you work hard, you'll make it.

Nothing against ITE here, but everything against thinking you can't make it.

And of course, don't mix with the wrong company. There'll definitely be baddies in JCs, Polytechnics, private institutions, not just ITE. So I think avoiding the wrong company is not an ITE issue alone.

Give it a shot, bro. Don't give up on yourself just yet.
waaaahh holas basket, now everything about ite drag me into it ar? don't wanna die alone ar? as in flamed! haha.