Do you think the Guitar Buy and Sell section of this is addictive?


New member
Was talking to my brother in law about this. And i totally agree with him. I mean it's damn ridiculously addictive.
That's why i've restrained myself from this forums often times because of this addictiveness to gear. Don't you think so?
What are your views?
yeah, it's what keeps me coming back to soft. its like taking a walk at peninsula from your monitor. seeing different guitars, though boutique guitars are harder to come by, but there's still some interesting guitars out there.
but you gotta ask yourself, why did you come to soft. if you're main purpose is to have discussion about music and gears, im sure it won't be ridiculously addictive.
yeah, it's what keeps me coming back to soft. its like taking a walk at peninsula from your monitor. seeing different guitars, though boutique guitars are harder to come by, but there's still some interesting guitars out there.
but you gotta ask yourself, why did you come to soft. if you're main purpose is to have discussion about music and gears, im sure it won't be ridiculously addictive.

New gear (either seen or owned) is always additive, as least for me...
Addictive? Maybe we need a system where you can ban yourself from buy and sell. Like those people who apply to ban themselves/family from going to the casino. :twisted:
i joined because of buy/sell initially. They guy teaching me said you could get some good deals of the site. Agree with TS, the initial part was just looking through the sections and then tracking what comes on every day.
I went high end and find many stuff on the sale are not appealing . that's how I cure it . woots . But some of them are really making me gas . haha
That's why i've restrained myself from this forums often times because of this addictiveness to gear.

come on bro, surely SOFT is worth the visit even when one's not GASsing for anything, ya?
Depends on individual needs. SOFT is a good platform for learning and sharing enything pertaining to music and instruments.
Well depends really. Forums at ultimate-guitar has more international and widespread reach whereas soft has a more local feel about it. Certainly has it's pros and cons. Maybe soft could make a mobile version of it's website. *hint* Or even an iPhone app on classified. I bet it'll be purely addictive. Haha!
teenager is just part of the targeted group, among the young people of this generation towards the future.

if theres a soft house, most who wanna belong, prolly will be from the teenage and young folks in 20s group as well. Afterall, from the way the forums interaction here, generally are from that age group(more actively posting).
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teenager is just part of the targeted group

*SCAPE Vision: To be the celebrated talent and one-stop resource hub for aspiring and inspiring youth, offering diverse, cutting-edge and trend-setting possibilities for and by all young Singaporeans.

I love the performance space (SCAPE Warehouse) but other than that I was quite disappointed with the new building. There's a bunch of cheap cafes and some street fashion retailers. No lasting value as a musical/cultural centre. Of course I'm not expecting another Esplanade or the Arts House, but expected more art and less retail.
It might not be right from the start, but at least theres a start. The rest, prolly depend on what young folks wanna do with it, what changes need to be addressed and urging enough for them to make a different and make it their space.