Do you think guitar players play better when they are drunk?


New member
Like seriously, i don't mean to say just cool and relax guitar players like satriani and all that . I'm saying really really rock/metal/mad[lols] guitar players like zakk wylde and the late dimebag darrel . Because when these people make live shows, they often drink and play the guitar . You can actually see those beer cans and bottles usually on top of their amps or at the side stage . And ya, if you buy Metal Hammer or Alternative magazines, they would sometime give free dvd . These dvd will usually show live shows of metal bands from israel, germany, sweden, and america . And these bands have tons of beer bottles on top of their amp, mostly.

And look at this>>>
I like him, because his wearing A7X tee hehehe :D
playing better, that i aint too sure, but thinking that they think better when drunk, is highly possible, thus believinng that they can play better

anyway, drunken state and getting the slight alcohol rush feeling prolly 2 different thing. One is still in control of the geetar and making it sing while the other is out of control and thinking the geetar can sing

for some ppl, they do play well when drunk...example sam totman of dragonforce...saw them last year...he was totally drunk and yet to play superbly
i guess it`s not about geting drunk ..but just getting high...when the kick get in..there is this certain kinda Adrenaline rush and hence gets you in the mood to do anything...
jam once last time when i was completely drunk..

trust me...its a very2 bad experience..

feel like vomiting and keep playing the wrong songs haha
i tried playing my guitar after i came home from clubbing a few months ago. i was drunk and banged into every wall at the void deck and at home. pure chivas and tequilla is definetly the shit...

and i managed to pull off a few shreddy stuff. and it aint the sloppy ones. really decent sounding ones. i was like woah...then i was out like a shattered lightbulb.

not a really good experience from the terrible hangover after that, but it was kinda fun lols.
In an inteview with Guitar Player magazine, Zakk Wylde said his beer cans and bottles are just stage props to look "bad-ass cool". And he doesn't drink before live performances.