Do NOT use "Mrs Koo" - you have been warned!


As a private teacher myself (by choice as to not teach in music schools due to flexibility/more income, etc etc...) I can understand the plight this Mrs Koo has found herself in.

I've seen her, like many other freelancers on here, advertise non-stop with every "piano teacher wanted" thread posted, so I can imagine that she must have somewhat of a big base of students right now.

However, what I am about to say I speak from experience, as a piano who actively performs now and then, and as an active piano teacher who does it more for passion - these things happen due to:

1- bad planning/time management
2- inability to deliver AFTER a contract has been made, verbally, monetarily or otherwise (in this case, with the student paying 10 lessons in advance, which is in my opinion, UNNECESSARY and to be seen as something dodgy)
3- duty to teach that overrides passion to teach, and it's consequences

So while this looks bad on the teacher itself, I hope that this won't carry a stigma and generalization that reflects on all the other freelancers here, because there are some very valid points that Mrs Koo preaches such as the "fast tracking" of ABRSM exams, which in my opinion, is entirely possible and NOT a scam, subject to the ABILITY of the student.

Again, I am speaking from experience, having made the very same mistakes in the past (ie. collected cash in advance, failure to deliver, etc.) but I think we have all learnt our mistakes here, resulting in better SERVICE quality. That's the keyword.
Agreement and Course of Action

If there was an agreement where both parties signed on and that which includes a course of action, this (in my opinion is more of a misunderstanding), thread would not have been started.
  • Firstly, Teachers. Have some agreement or contract, no matter how simple where you have the basics covered. You will look professional as you should be and less dodgy in appearance.
  • Student. Always ask for the same and you will have peace of mind. Such mishaps do come with private tuition domain. Your first task is to avoid it, hence the contract.
As a private vocal coach myself, here's my two cents' worth on the matter. I personally always accept payment one month in advance, not because I want to run away with the students' money whenever I feel like it, but rather, for their own benefit.

Any private instructor would have come across tens, or even hundreds of students who come signing up with enthusiasm and later for some reason/excuse or another, fail to commit in their own learning. A handful of students who insist very strongly on pay-per-session, or after-term-service-rendered basis are normally the ones who fail to turn up after they schedule lessons with me.

Knowing they have paid beforehand, students (that I have at least) are more likely to turn up for class, and endure through the difficulties of learning music.

And the tutor in question here informs one day in advance when she fails to make it for the scheduled classes (not that it's something to be proud of). But a good handful of students who sign up with me cancel classes 15-30 minutes before it's supposed to happen. I should probably make a blacklist of them and post it on the forums eh?
the students pay the fees so i guess its their privilege to cancel..just a guess cos i'm not a student nor a teacher..

another guess is that this is what will happen if the teacher have lots of student She will probably just shrugged of the issue of missed lessons cos she still has lots of other students so it won't make any difference. But this time she can't escape cos someone is smart enough to post the issue in this forum. She has to respond to the matter or more students will go or no more new students will sign up.

well, i've just had an episode myself.

my std has just postponed lessons for the 3rd time in 2 mths. today's sms postpones lessons for a month. and it's always last min.

and i have to take it, with 2 pinches of salt, at most.

my point is, have grace for both parties.
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Do not take MRS KOO

Do not take MRS KOO! I had the same experience with her. I took up an ABRSM Grade 8 Theory course of about 12 sessions with her 2 months back. I was supposed to complete it by October for my exam. I was asked to pay the course fees one lump sum and she said she accepts transfer only as there is record. I paid her half of the course money iniatially to reserve my slot. Just few days before my class, she told me something happened to her husband and she wanted the remaining payment. I was nice but stupid enough to be cheated by her. Altogether $675. I then transferred her the remaining money the same night. Just a day before the class, she fell sick. 2nd time, she had not recovered. 3rd time, her father passed away. 4th time, she had a ritual to attend. 5th time, she didn't know there was class that day and asked me to excuse her blunder. 6th time, she had to send her mom back to the nursing home cause her sister can't get off work. How long does it take to send someone back to the nursing room anyway? I told her i would wait for her but in the end, she didn't turn up too. Worse part, I had never spoken to her before. She told me, "phone faulty!" Her sister couldn't get off work and i had to be called off for the 6th time. Doesn't make sense to me at all. Seriously, either she's really the most unlucky person on earth, or I AM! Wasted so much time. I didn't want to talk bad about her, or even anyone but till now, i still haven't gotten my full refund yet. I'm really sick of her excuses! Just to warn everyone as well. She's full of lies!
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hooo shiat. mrs koo time to see a medium. don't know how you sleep well at night with all these ppl haunting you. you're better off selling salt at a graveyard if you really need cash that badly.
bro if its this bad...why not report police? I mean once and for all settle it for the sake of everyone else. i mean, 2 person already had similar problem. so for the benefit of others. do consider report :)
Thank you for warning us, but somehow, I think it did more damage than harm.
If she's doing this for a living, you've just ruin her career. *Applause*

Unless she's a fraud or something, she ABSOLUTELY DO NOT DESERVE THIS.

Thank you, but no thank you.
it's called 'karma'.

unless there is a false accusation here somewhere, then this thread is totally fair.

Mrs Koo, pls clarify if there are indeed any false accusations here.
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bro if its this bad...why not report police? I mean once and for all settle it for the sake of everyone else. i mean, 2 person already had similar problem. so for the benefit of others. do consider report :)

I'd already reported to the police and waiting for the police to take action against her.
Thank you for warning us, but somehow, I think it did more damage than harm.
If she's doing this for a living, you've just ruin her career. *Applause*

Still, the lack of response from her is a little.. fishy. Now add in the fact that two of her "students" are complaining against her, its a bit... hmm.

It does shed some very bad light and doubts on her character and intergrity
Thank you for warning us, but somehow, I think it did more damage than harm.
If she's doing this for a living, you've just ruin her career. *Applause*

Unless she's a fraud or something, she ABSOLUTELY DO NOT DESERVE THIS.

Thank you, but no thank you.

She ABSOLUTELY DESERVES THIS. She had been lying and skipping CLASSES! Not just one or two but many. Giving different students different kind of reasons. She definitely does not fit to be a teacher with such working ethics. Once again, I warn all people, DO NOT USE HER.
*Hi all, sorry, I've posted the following in two other threads, just for triple protection*

Hi all,

I signed up to SOFT to do just one thing - to get a whole lot of frustration off my chest, and to warn you guys - if any of you are looking to hire a piano teacher, do NOT call "Mrs Koo". Call anyone else but her.
She could change her nick and email, but do ask to see your teacher's certs/credentials. For physical attributes, u can PM me or email me at (I have to exercise SOME sort of restraint in this public post I suppose...).

That's it - thanks for letting me vent, and be careful!

I'd already reported to the police and waiting for the police to take action against her.

Hi ReallyUpset and dazzling717,
You are not alone. Myself facing these problems too......
Seems like, I am the 3rd person in this thread face this situation.....
I agree with both of you......

you reported police?

she is not a petite lady?
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hmm. strangely, why is everyone who seems to have "suffered" under Mrs Koo, only recently signed up on SOFT?

I believe Reallyupset is probably a genuine case (considering Mrs Koo also replied), but as for the other two... hmm. I have doubts about it all of a sudden
to be fair, i hope these "other" students will disclose their identities just for accountability's sake - what they're accusing MrsKoo of can amount to liabilities in the court of law if their claims are otherwise founded or unfounded, depending on which party we're "arrowing." Either way, i just don't think it's very nice to do so on here as it detracts from the spirit and morality of all softers, if you get what i mean :o)