DIY snare drums


New member
Hey fellow drummers.

I've been thinking of exploring and making my own custom snare. Not those from Truth/SJC/Battlefield etc but more of a DIY kind and I was wondering, does any of you guys know where I can get drum shells and hardware? Would be cool if there is a place which offer a variety of drum lugs with a selection of finishes. Does anyone know any websites/wholesalers that offer these hardwares and drum shells of different sizes and how much would the shipping cost?
Would be great if anyone else is interested in making their own snares too and we could order in bulk, perhaps it might be cheaper?

If you guys have already made your own snares from toms or from scratch, do share your experiences and pictures here!
Hmm I've seen drum shells on Ebay, there's acrylic ones, and those where the centre is acrylic and the top and bottom wood. Can't remember maple or what though. :D Might has others as well
I've checked on ebay too but if I were to ship in all the hardware and shell, it's probably going to cost quite abit. The hardware in SG is quite expensive too. Would make more sense to just get a snare itself during a swee lee sale or something. Haha!

Hoping to find a wholesaler and perhaps gather a couple of drummers here who are interested and we could ship in in bulk together so it would be alot cheaper!
Haha yeah thats the price lor (literally) of having a DIY snare.
And have to ownself measure the holes and drill.
Drum shells usually come undrilled for you cos some people want 8 lugs some want 10 lugs.
Will continue to keep a lookout!
That's the amazing part in making your own snare! To be able to drill all the holes yourself. Tedious, yes but seeing the finished product is going to be so awesome. Hahaha.
You can try Keller shells for good quality drum shells at low prices, i do understand that most of them come undrilled and there are quite a number of drum manufactures whom get their shells from them,

As for lugs and hoops, Gibralter do have some great looking Dunnett R class tube lugs and Dunnett strainers, you can order Trick strainers if you want quality, For hoops, i am quite impressed with the Pearl mastercast/fattones hoops, you can try them too,

Hope that helps :)