hehe, trouble?? Playing geetar is also trouble if not knowing whats going on.
Clone is hard to build. not. I suggest reading up more diy sites/forum before giving advice...Over the years, the diy community online has prolly given us more then enough info, from being hobbyist to starting own booteek effect line with the info shared.
anyway, the jordan bosstone is not a difficult project to start with, provided knowing how to read the schematic. I had a look over the thing and everything in the circuit can be easily gotten from simlim tower and breadboarded within 30mins if able to read the schematic.
The thing with almost all schematic is that usually it doesnt include the effect stompswitch wiring, led wiring, input/output jack wiring etc(other then the actual circuit itself), coz its expected of the person reading it, to already know. Thus in order to start somewhere, the beavis audio site was recommended in the beginning to read up on the finer details on potentiometer, effect stompswitch wiring etc.