DIY Pedalboards!

Here's my DIY pedalboard.

The board was made up of a mounting board glued to plastic corrugated board. The pedals Velcro-ed down to the board. Patch cables by mrmisse. Daisy Chain from Ashleigh Music. RockBag From SweeLee.

Harmonist is goin to go soon. Wish it all the best to the next owner! hehe :D :D




beautiful setup simple and elegant. the neon musical notes are a bit naff but they sure give that 'hey i'm playing music here' impression...

good job
yeah nice pedal board....
i'm trying to use a laptop bag to fit my pedal board..haha..
i'm also constructing my own board, using a plain plywood...
any idea where i can buy something nice and paste on the board as decoration? like the one wizard has..
Hehe..Thanks For the compliments GUys~!! :D :D

Umm for my board i used Mouting board + cogurrated board + mounting board glued together like a sandwich. Haha I didnt noe why i didnt use plywood.Haha never thought of that wen i was making it.

Umm For ur materials, Just head down to spotlight or art friend. I got my boards at art friend.

Haha...THose Glow in the dark plastic stickers. My younger sister bought them at MPH. She Pasted everyting on her cupboard. I manage to steal 2 pieces from her and stick it there. In case at a gig its too dark to see my pedals, At least theres that glow in the dark stickers to lighten it. Haha. Ok im crapping.. :) :) :)
Ah... I've scrapped the idea of a DIY pedalboard... have just bought the Electro Harmonix Pedalbag and its good enough for me.

I will post some pics soon! ;)