Distortion pedal that goes well with OCD?


New member
I have an OCD pedal which sounds really really awesome, but its not that sharp and distorted enough. I want to get a distortion pedal but I'm afraid that it would sound too powerful and noisy. Is it weird to use an overdrive and distortion together? won't it sound noisy?
Or should I just get a 6 band e.q to equalise my OCD

A booster would help. use less gain more volume. That helps a lot when it comes to noise. Catalinbread SCP would be a good bet.
An OCD isn't a distortion, it's a high gain OD. I personally never liked it (no offense to OCD lovers out there) I'm using an OKKO Diablo clone made by tyzjames and it's really one of my favourite distortion pedals of all time. I can get a really nice marshally tone out of it, but if I turn back the gain and adjust the EQ a bit, I get a really nice low gain OD. The pedal also has a clean boost, so if I just need that extra punch when I'm solo-ing, I'll just kick it in.

For other popular distortions, refer to the ongoing thread.
I have OCD and I prefer all my guitar sound CLEAN !

Hey , are we talking about the same OCD ?........Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? No? :p
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hey lunafiz, just thought id share my thoughts=)

i have a dano drive v2(which is suppose to be an OCD clone) and i stack it with my GHmod SD-1 and it plays beautifully man

and yes, i know, the dano wouldnt even compare to the original OCD, but just thought id share my view on it=)

If you like the tone of the OCD and would like to have a meatier, heavier and dirtier sound then instead of getting a distortion pedal maybe you should look at getting a boost, compressor or overdrive pedal

If you put it in this config, guitar->boost/compressor/overdrive(low gain, high volume setting) -> OCD -> amp

you will be able to get the same OCD sound with more gain/meat basically
I tried it with the Zvex SHO Clone that i made = epic win

A pity i cant push a tube amp with the high impedance SHO otherwise im sure it'll be tonal heaven !!

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