For those of you who are not too fond of the government, you may wish to note that there is a BIG difference between the government and the country. Americans or the British or Russians (just to take a few examples) fly their flags whether they like Bush/Republicans/Democrats, or Labour/Conservatives, or Putin/Communists respectively.
In fact, these folks do it regardless of the occasion. Since this is a music forum, let's take an appropriate example. Watch any major (prob open-air) concerts - you will be sure to see the Union Jack, Scottish St Andrew's flag (oh definitely!), the Irish flag, etc brandished by rockheads no less. They don't feel that it's uncool, or that they are government stooges, or fascists.
Perhaps the reason for our attitude here is that we have not gone through some collective traumatic experience (such as a war, a long history of suffering) as a nation where a national symbol (a flag, a song, a crest, a colour) really mean something precious and meaningful beyond the government of the day.