SODE (School of Design and Entrepreneurship), which is a division of City College, is currently opening an enrollment for Diploma in Music Production (DMP). The diploma will officially kick off on 15 August.
The DMP equips the student with the technical proficiency to create, edit, produce, record and mix professional-quality music and audio as well as introduce the student to the mechanics of the music business . This full-time diploma will run for 12 months taught by the programme director, Mr Kevin Foo. Students will be gleaning from Mr Foo's experience, who has been at the forefront of the local music industry with his recording studio, Beep Studios (recording acts like Charlie Lim, The Steve McQueens, Linying, Alicia Pan, The Sam Willows etc.) and record label, Umami Records (representing acts like Linying, The Steve McQueens, Doves & Ravens, HubbaBubbas, General Lee etc.)
Learning Experience Design
Over a period of 4 terms, students will go through the following modules below:
Music Production and Analysis
Critical Listening
Logic Pro and other DAWs
Digital Music Production
Audio Engineering
Audio Post Production
Music Business, Music Industry & Portfolio Documentation
Visit us here : http://www.sode.sg/
Download the course brochure here: http://www.sode.sg/wp-content/uploads/DMP-Brochure-20161.pdf