i got a les paul similar guitar. juz wonder which PUP iz better. dis guitar iz mainly for rock songs, i got my really high o/p PUPs (EMG81)for my metal songs. so i'm lookin sumthin which iz not not dat super high o/p.
i need sumthin dat can gimme decent cleans & nice thick dist. i like lotsa bass & mids & juz enuff treble to cut thru. i was checkin out duncan's JB, find the tone bit treble (accordin to seymour duncan.com JB tone iz 8treble, 6mid, 5 bass)
ohh have i forget to mention i prefer alnico Vs den ceramics. juz find ceramics bit too harsh & thin. no offence & hard feelin to ceramics & JB supporters :wink:
i need sumthin dat can gimme decent cleans & nice thick dist. i like lotsa bass & mids & juz enuff treble to cut thru. i was checkin out duncan's JB, find the tone bit treble (accordin to seymour duncan.com JB tone iz 8treble, 6mid, 5 bass)
ohh have i forget to mention i prefer alnico Vs den ceramics. juz find ceramics bit too harsh & thin. no offence & hard feelin to ceramics & JB supporters :wink: