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My Dear Bros

PEACE DRUMS Distributor - Mr. Ricky would bring down their PEACE drumset on our comming this 5th SOFT Drum Meetup/Exhange and wiill also have Ah Pek to do a 30mins 'show and a brief on the PEACE DRUMS.

Hopefully they bring all the different Range for Softies to try out here...please come softies...please bring different range - Richard

However - : - Date & Day of our 5th Meetup is still unconfirmed as yet....

PEACE.... so we need big big venue?

would be easier if we had the usual location.. so where else available?

RD you open you house lah.. den we can compare many brands of drumset
My house not big enough lah - downstair void-deck can lah. Kekekeke :lol:

Better don't - wait till you all hear my Thunderous Yamaha Stage Custom - your saliver sure drop one.Kekekeke :lol: I'm not bluffing hor ! My Yammies kick-ass man...(I didn't say my Drumming here hor)

Update: I just sold my RT last week.
The usual place can accomodate the number of kits and people..kinda ideal for this new change right haha....

can jam with each other somemore 8)
Yo guys! I thought this is an exchange for us drummers to chat and exchange some ideas and most importantly chill out to get to know each other. Since when its become a meet-up for business propositions?

Maybe Peace can organise a separate event for this purpose. I'm sure alot of drummers would show.

Anyway, thats my point of view. But if this is gonna be a show & sell event, then I won't be attending this one. Sorry guys. Maybe we could all have a copi meet-up so I can finally get to meet those "super-heroes" behind the nicknames!!

i think it is good that brands are coming in to let us try out their gears. this time we have Peace, next time we can have Roland, Yamaha ...

this is a good opportunity for everyone to learn more about products and get first hand information.
hahah alvin just come la! then lug your mapex along :)

think i'll come for this meet up if nothing screws me up!

many drumsets mean DRUM BATTLE

muahahahhaha :twisted:
Yup Soft,

I agree that it'll be great for product companies to showcase their products on a regular basis so the community can learn more about the latest products and most important, get to try them on first hand!

However, from what I've learnt, this meet-up's intention was not for that. Rather for us drummers to have an informal gathering to talk, to get to know each other and if we're showcasing any gear, it'll be done in a non-commercial other words, we're just doing a show-n-tell on our personal gear.

I was impressed with The Art House exhibition held for Peace drums in 2005. And i remember telling myself, if only swee lee can do something like this, we could all grow. In anyways, if Peace drums wants to showcase their products, then it should be done like the Art House event and not ride-on to the drummers' meetup. Of course unless the committee has changed their original intention of the meet-up.

I'm totally touched and grateful that you guys are trying to change the day around so I can attend. And by God's grace I'm glad to have met some of you in person. I'll have to meet the rest of you in a different fashion...but we'll get there!!!
alvin... good point raised

actually arh... i think it should be kept a seperate issue instead of eating to our meetup time where we learn and share new stuff...

just like clinics and other events, this should be kept seperate
Dear Soft Drummers - below is Ricky(peace drum) proposal.

Ah Pek is now Peace endorser and he will made a 30 minutes Educational Talk in this 5th Meetup on the following Drum topics:

1) types of drums(eg; kind of wood, tones, sizes for different types of music etc..)
2) drums and hardware maintenance
3) how to get true tone out of drumsets.
4) Drums repair and improvisation (ie bearing edge, wrapping etc)

AhPek will bring along a Peace Drumset for illustration. All Soft Forumers attending the 5th Meetup will be given a chance to try out this PEACE Drumset during the meetup as well.

Clarification: - From Ricky & AhPek - - - It is not our intention to make this a Peace Sales/Mktg event hence our proposed schedule of app 30 minutes presentation.

SideNote; - Dear Committee Members Of Soft Exchange & Forummers - As Ricky & Ahpek have directly approached James (Soft) here on the above proposal in which James had spoken to me - My proposal is to - Let's welcome them here on our this 5th Meetup (it could be partly beneficial based on their above proposal) - whether be it Marketing Or Sales Promotion (needless to say - there must be alittle here complimenting the above talks) - afterall - it just 30 minutes only - Let's attend it Bros - Important here is - Brothers Of SOFT Getting together again (Which Has Always Been Our Core Objective).....Please attend my dear Bros/Sis if you can....We appreciate any feedback after this 5th-Meetup from any Brothers/Sis attending - as we will keep on trying our best to make Meetups as best as possible.

Hahahahaha: - I was thinking: - Maybe AhPek could put the Kit there from 12pm till 5pm (5 hours) the entire meetup - this way - bros here would ne Happy (Win-Win Situation) here.....maybe someone here can propose this to AhPek & Ricky.
Thank You For Your Support & Feedback!
Right......if its really a non-sales marketing proposition, then its weird how Ricky is coming into the picture. If its Ahpek coming in to share his thoughts and views on drumming and drumming gear, and lugs along his "personal" peace kit then it would've been looked at a different way right?
man... its great to hear that pek's doing well.. i haven't heard from him since he changed number, bro u there???? :lol: oei how come u never update me, PM me ur new number plssssss :lol:

alvin's sentiment rings out to me, for soft drummer committee should eventually iron out guidelines and set a firm direction. so everyone is clear about what is allowed and otherwise.

i think having equipment/drum demos at drummer meetups is great, we should set it out as 'no obligation to buy' basis though

we have to manage this properly, and not give people the impression the meet up becomes a 'come-here-learn-for-free but actually we trying to sell you stuff' kinda thing, putting off softies who might be thinking of coming.

Yes, as discussed wif Eric, i for one definitely wouldnt want all this monthly homely gathering to spiral into a vertigo of corporate bonanza free-for-all exploitations and as such, we will try to keep everythin in check.
i dunno about this peace drum ting honestly. i wld prefer no companies, we're doing this and coming together out of passion and not "let me sell you something".
this is totally my opinion though. what u guys think?
It will be appreciated that Soft will consult the meet-up committee before making any decision on matters that is different from the core objective. Due to this issue which we should give the benefit of doubt is a 'blind spot'. For this time round lets bite the bullet and move on since it has been agreed upon.
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