Deicide Goes Indian!

and it also made me snort my coffee out of my nose.. well that's usually a good sign lol
Well done rofl!!
haha thanks! spread the message around if you're free. Entered it for the contest, doubt it'll win but hey at least some people can laugh to it. hehe
and it also made me snort my coffee out of my nose.. well that's usually a good sign lol
Well done rofl!!

Woooahhh...snorting coffee out of noseeee.........good idea for the next brrrooooottttaaaallll Imortal vid....

Lol,Immortal were the pioneers for all things hilarious.Love them to bits though.But those who know Immortal solely based on their music vids will get a shock of their lives when they watch the live vids for Immortal unleashes their fury outright and rightly so.
But those who know Immortal solely based on their music vids will get a shock of their lives when they watch the live vids for Immortal unleashes their fury outright and rightly so.

:S So scary... I'm never gonna watch an immortal live video... wait cannot sleep..