Define a B-A-N-D


New member
Hey there, have any of you guys experienced a band that everything revolves around just one person, thinking only he should be credited and that he set up the band, not appreciating that you existed in their line up? what's worse is that he critizises the way you play where he can just say nicely and respectfully if there something wrong with the playing. Plus all the decision he makes, which the rest felt left out and seem to be helpless.

in my point of view, famous band like guns n roses, ACDC are well know by their band name because they are a band. i mean shouldn't they like decide things together? it's called Guns 'n' Roses for a reason, not Axle Rose & The Guns 'n' Roses. it's more about the bond between each other as friends, bandmates, xxx partners etc. etc. etc.

As far as i understand, a band should work and progress together, not let some diffrences get in the way. even if you play well, plus very one should be respected equally, no matter how amature they are. bands should be respected equally too. so do the same to the whole band itself, bands should respect other bands and not critisize them. even if they play very badly, shouldn't you like go up to them and tell them nicley and respectfully what are their weaknesses? wouldn't that help the bands alot?

c'mon, i wanna hear/read the views from you guys too, including you Mr.soft. =)
these are interpersonal skills. if you are usually good with people, people will like you.

just dont be the person you mentioned above and you should do fine.

now, define FAMILY.
a band is a group of musicians playing together. but whether it works out or not depends on a million things; and alot of it has to do with interpersonal skills, as James mentioned.
A band can means so much different to different people. It might be a job/task, a place to vent your stress/anger, a platform to perform, a place to find your nirvana, a place to makes you happy, a dream, a home, friends, soul partners, art or L-O-V-E.

Being in a band more often than not calls for COMPROMISE, and it's only if one willingly deflates one's ego, which determines if a band works well within itself.

But that is just the ideal case in which the band chooses to give constructive feedback, and if the person on the other hand is willing to receive it and pay attention to what the others have to say.

Ever wondered why sometimes softies post in the 'musician wanted' section with an added tagline 'no rock stars please'? :wink:

True, in black and white it sounds so easy to say 'eh but it's so OBVIOUS that we should listen to one another... in practise, the reality of the situation is that one feels a certain amount of pride in their own ability regarding their instrument or vocal.
"...and it's only if one willingly deflates one's ego, which determines if a band works well within itself. But that is just the ideal case in which the band chooses to give constructive feedback, and if the person on the other hand is willing to receive it and pay attention to what the others have to say."

i agree
for a good band, you need chemistry. a band can mean many different things to different people, its all really how the people in the BAND feel what their BAND is to them.

yeah thats what i think.
Yeah..... but doesn't it sucks if you're happy as a band but one of you just demoraelises the rest with his 'rockstar' attitude. plus, he is blaming the rest for being a rockstar. i wondered why we didn't kick him.....
maxis_black, i can sense that you could be displeased with a certain person in your band. i could be wrong.

but before you pour out your displeasure, i must remind you that if it is a personal problem, resolve it at a personal level.
he is the bassist, long story, me and the vox want to kick him out, except the drummer is too scared to kick him out. the thing is he complains alot about the band, including the drummer. our lead ditched us, while trying to find lead, the bassist complains we're not doing any work, and sicne he is the "founder" of the band, we so-called have to listen to his whining. we find a few lead guitarist, but before we actually met them, the bassist commented that they are like *&^%. so bascially, he complains and does nothing. then he only *&^% us about the way we play. them he moved to lead, i think he plays the worst lead the band ever had, i propsed to play lead and he rythm instead. but then he doesn't want. he still can *&^% us about our playing. he calls me and backstab me about the other members. including the vox...

oh yae, i'm very close with the vox, eversince pri sch i told the vox about what he said, then the vox went to confront the bassist, in trun i and the bassist/lead fought. this time i couldn't be bothered so i didn't msg him. the result: he kicked me out
i'm not gonna tell who he is and which band he is from, that's disrespectful and dirty. i'm just telling you guys what happened.
thank you for sharing.

but really, this is very personal. resolve it at a personal level.

1. move on
2. move on
3. move on
yea, i know, but i'm just trying to tell you guys that to me, a band is very simillar to a family and that every member should deflate their ego for the band to be "the best band you ever had" it's just something i wanna share with everybody
band is NOT same as family.

just let it go. couples can split after married for 30 years.

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