DeathCubeK Pwned

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anep said:
holy shit...
yan, that was the longest HAHA ever...
krazi... :lol:

aiyar, u took it away...
now i'll look stoopit..

eheheheh, if i didnt do it mr. soft would have :P
DeathCubeK said:

Thanks for honoring my work with this thread, shows you all are really mad at me, that feels great.

We're nice people.

Don't we just LOVE him guys? :twisted:

SherT said:
We're nice people.

Don't we just LOVE him guys? :twisted:


the sad thing is, he even sucks at being a troll :lol:

hmm...or is he trying to be an internet badass?

gotta love internet badasses hiding behind the safety of relative anonymity...u really need a pair of steel balls to do that :roll:
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