Deathcore and Metalcore. Metal?

Actually I've come to hate all these categorizations. Its music, isn't it?

But of course deathcore being a more brutal form of death metal is totally out of whack. Tell your friends that the more brutal form of death metal is called Brutal Death Metal, ask them to listen to Krisiun, Nile and Origin. They got their facts totally wrong.

And, I think age doesn't tell anything. I'm 19 and I classify Nile as brutal death metal, and love their music. Its exposure. If people aren't exposed to a wide variety of music, of course their knowledge of different genres would be limited, yeah?

Due to their heaviness I'd classify deathcore as metal, but certainly milder when compared with traditional death metal. Metalcore on the other hand is in-between. I'd call it a fusion genre.
a good deathcore band would be job for a cowboy although alot of black metal people hate them cause they think jfac is emo, and cause jfac said they are death metal or something

a good metalcore band would be destroy the runner, it dies today, as i lay dying

a good death/black metal band would be dying fetus, behemoth, necrophagist

pls dont flame me if i have labelled the bands under the wrong genre
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Slayer is definitely not black / death metal. They're thrash metal but they do it much heavier than any other thrash band of their era. Which is why I like Slayer so much. :D
sick and tired of people saying deathcore and all that is harder or brutal. Bands like Six Feet Under, Cannibal Corpse (some), other old school death metal bands, show that they dont have to speed up their songs to insane levels and have breakdowns and pig grunts throughout to be termed brutal.

You know i'm fine if deathcore and metalcore kids and musicians keep to themselves and not go on an acceptance-crusade. you know metalheads, purists especially, will forever live to hate you, so just stick to your stuff and dont bother us. and we're fine. its when you associate wrongly, that pisses metalheads off.

Metal has always been around, Grunge came and died, nu-metal then came and is almost dead. and yeah well the current core stuff, I'd only expect sub-genres which try to take over, to die a natural death.

Just like how i'm totally fine with homosexuals and their life choice, or any other weird prejudice, I'm fine with the core stuff. But just dont ask me to listen to it, or say its better. And NO i'm not equating your music to homosexuality. So yeah, peace and love.

On a side note, cant wait for METALLICA!
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thanks for the recommendation guys.
These -core bands are definitely technically good, though not melodic.
And i think the one-dimensional screaming gets irritating quickly. No dynamics at all!
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Well my view is....If they think they're the heaviest and most kickass metalhead's in existence, let the wrath of death and black metal reign on they're ass.....If not, peace and love baby......
A few notable Death Metal bands use breakdowns in their songs too, like Dying Fetus and Suffocation.

Don't forget that early metal bands borrow influences from grindcore and hardcore! That's where metal got its speed and aggression from. Or else we will still be listening to slow n lumbering Black-Sabbath-era of metal.

btw I also discovered a pretty good deathcore band called All Shall Perish. Not bad... sounds like a 'modern' version of Dying Fetus.