DD20 VS DL4 (the showdown)


New member
Ive been looking for a delay unit too. To replace my dd6. I'm down to these two powerful ones..

You can name me others too!

Minumum 3 settings can be saved
Tap Tempo
Can do what a DD6 Can do
Must hava a loop

The reason?
Ive got 2 sweet spots on my dd6 and id like to have both of em available for live use and i want a looper..
j_m_s said:
Ive been looking for a delay unit too. To replace my dd6. I'm down to these two powerful ones..

You can name me others too!

Minumum 3 settings can be saved
Tap Tempo
Can do what a DD6 Can do
Must hava a loop

The reason?
Ive got 2 sweet spots on my dd6 and id like to have both of em available for live use and i want a looper..

buy another DD6 :lol:
two is better than one
Its cheaper to get a brand new dd20!.. a 2nd dd6 will cost me around 180-200.. brand nwe dd20 330!
Does everything I need.

Very intuitive looping.
Emulations of all sorts of delay. I don't give a damn about how close it sounds to the original. Variety is the spice of life and I don't need that exact type of spice from some jungle in sarawak. I don't buy that "it sounds digital" argument.
Tap tempo
3 presets, or 3 x 2 if you know how to abuse the foot controller.
True bypass if you want it to be.
Non true bypass if you want your delay notes to trail off when you switch off.

Only issue is just a separate pesky power supply but why not?

What more can you ask for?
Dumb question here*

It can do everything a dd6 can do??

The dl4 a lil more exx than dd20
say bye bye ...

but the dl-4 has super dodgy reliability issues.. switch break.. diode that protect the power transformer blow.. etc

dd-20 less dodgy :P
I think the tape sim sounds a little cleaner than the DL-4 - but it's not offensively pristine either. I don't think it'd be a hard choice between the DL-4 and the DD-20 if the tape sound is what you're after - it'd just be a matter of taste.
What makes either of these pedals better than a real tape-echo, in my opinion, is the tap-tempo features. Having a tap tempo allows you to adjust the tempo to the natural flow of music, and just plain makes a delay sound better - more musical. Until now, a feature I've never seen on a pedal is the "dotted" tempo settings that allow for those syncopated delays to be controlled from the tap. This ability to control a syncopated delay so that it actually slows down or speeds up with a song - this makes the DD-20 truly unique.

copied from http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Effects/product/Boss/DD-20/10/1
Looks like the dd20 wins then.. haha
oh well you reap what you sow fella ....
it comes with foot control set up ...so no tweaking live....just need to do some homework..you are rockin!!!!
Expensive ..yes!!
kids... keep away !!
All the sims on the dd20 still sound... digital to me. Digital with a special flavour.

Things I love about the dd20:
- dotted eight tap tempo ability
- easily visible indicators and lcd readout
- 'modulate' delay on high speeds simulate choruses quite well
- extremely clean digital delays
- very tweakable speeds, with a readout
- did i mention the readout?
- and the tap tempo?

Things that sometimes make me pull my hair out:
- I wish it had a 'repeats' knob. It has a feedback knob, but that affects how the notes decays at the same time as the number of repeats (like most delays do). I wish I could make it do, say, exactly 3 repeats at the same volume.
- Not enough footswitches. I need at least one more to use the sound on sound properly. I'm having to use a setting where I need to step on both footswitches at the same time to change patches, and I sometimes miss.
- Wish it had better sound on sound capabilities. But I guess that would ruin Boss's marketing on their RC line.

Things I like about the DL4:
- looks cool
- great interesting delays
- great sound on sound capabilities
- great control for some of the settings with expression pedal
- good patch switching capablities with the number of footswitches

Things I didn't like:
- reports of reliability issues
- lack of dotted eight tap tempo
- less pristine digital delay
- no readout, settings are done via analog controls set to roughly where you want it.

This is more or less what I can think of now.

post my fr?? my fr??whadyya mean? floyd rose? me no floyd rose!

me no cash for racks lar..
Dotted eights?

To be honest I love the sound of dotted eights and I'm still struggling (never practice more like it!) to get it right.

But any other guitarist other than the Edge using dotted eights repeats sounds like a ripoff to me.

Gotta use it creatively and not coming off like an Edge copy.
hurhur i love the DL4 similar comments to ark there well he owns the DD20 i own a DL4.

Soundwise barring the this sound more digital or what not crap, i like how the dl4 sounds better but one thing the dd20 is king is the dotted tempo which the dl4 cannot do on the fly you have to set the timing precisely which means its out for live use.

Reliability issues yes DL4 is slightly dodgy mine died in 3months and i got a replacement and its working beautifully so its a bit of a luck of the draw situation. couple the dl4 with a foot controller you can get 6 presets hurhurhurhur.

if your anal and you need the delay to be 123.4ms then your better of getting the dd20 DL4 just has knobs no readouts but then i like it that way so personal preference again.

did i mention the very nice sound on sound?

end of the day suggest you try both see which one you like, pros and cons pros and cons. and yes DL4 use a seperate power supply.
Haha so true. The edge and gilmore is the men of dotted eights man. But for them is different, they built their empire on the dotted eights and didn't even know what they were. They just set to a setting, played what felt right, and forced the band to play along :D

Randolf uses it damn well too. Ahh he's a giant pink floyd fan so no surprise. But good stuff, he's got his own sound going, especially with the magic he does on the magicstomp and whammy.

Me I'm just using dotted eights in a couple of licks here and there to throw into the band mix. Ahaha total underuse :lol:
ciel said:
if your anal and you need the delay to be 123.4ms then your better of getting the dd20 DL4 just has knobs no readouts but then i like it that way so personal preference again.

bro ciel bro...

wots the tap tempo switch for bro?

I rarely bend down to turn the rate knob other than making it oscilate!

anyway talk does not cook rice.

come to the end I hope I won't hear I got budget for only a DE7. :twisted: