curious about a 12-string bass


New member
i just came to know about the exixtance of 12-string basses. does anyone know how its tuned and played?

i noticed it's got four large strings and for every large string there're 3 small strings close to it. i figured that the four strings are E-A-D-G. how about the rest of the small strings? but won't playing more than 1 string at a time sound like mud?
the 12 string bass described by you is

tuned like a 12 string guitar

E, octave E, 2nd octave E, A, octave A, 2nd octave on and so forth.

there is also the 12 string bass tuned in 4ths like your usual bass.

low F#, low B, E, A, D, G, C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db.

these multi stringed instruments are rare and mostly custom ordered and produced.



that's actually a surfboard for 9 - 12 yr old kids. just have strings slapped on it.

bro warwickw bro

not getting any 9 strings? ;)
it's nice, but the thing i hate bout oversized basses r the necks!! it's juz so nt sexy..................... but the sound's darn uber nice :D
i think its damn cool. in a band setting you will be like carrying a bazooka of a guitar. sure attract attention
Can you imagine taking this on the MRT. Guard will come up with gun,

*Freeze!!! Put the Bomb down!!!* hahaha :lol:

But ofcourse you guys still need guitarists! who else is gonna play all the more trebley chords and solos?! hehe :wink:
mybe we should ban guitars altogether. Brian Bromberg can do solo stuff on his bass as wel. all you need is a good whammy pedal that goes an octave up or higher. heck, with that i can reach even higher than a guitar!

or we should all just listen to yves carbonne and jean baudin. =p