
Its a nice piece of music... very rare such things get into movies! :) Vai is a tremendous performer as usual, and the Karate Kid is a tremendous faker! :D
ShredCow said:
Its a nice piece of music... very rare such things get into movies! :) Vai is a tremendous performer as usual, and the Karate Kid is a tremendous faker! :D

yeah, i agree. i actually thought he was really playing it cuz it looked so real! was that really steve vai?
Yeap! That's Vai. :)

He did play those parts (except for the slide) lah, but they are just doing a mime in the movie.
Haha. This video got me playing the electric and i really love it!

I have the movie! its on tape.. found it in one of those old video tape stores and bought it for 10 bucks. Story's about this boy who's classically trained but wants to learn blues too. Ends up with an old, legendary blues man who made a deal with the devil before he got famous and the karate kid has to fight for this blues man's soul, hence the duel with the devil's guitarist (vai)

didja know vai was born on 666? 6th decade, 6 month, 6 day, june 6, 1960. cool coincidence.