u were probably asleep and u had a nightmare.
"You need a good healthy natural sleep" - Doctor to Edward Norton's character in "Fight Club"
how... does not sleeping, enable u to sell ur bass faster?![]()
If i sleep
and the customers sms/call i did not reply ASAP
By the time i wake up they don't want it.
99% of softies are asleep at this time. staying awake wont help sell ur bass faster. i'm 100% sure.
lets say someone does want to buy ur bass at 3am. do u think he is so unreasonable to think 'hmmm its 4am still no reply. nvm then dont want already since he nvr reply'. he'd obviously know that he's asleep right?
i just had to take a pee..
sorry for the growling..heh
It did happen b4,my choice for 24/7 service lol
The Chupacabra is in Singapore!!!