Creepy Encounter Last Night

anyway i also don't think every single night it will appear one lor
IF i really can catch this thing on camarea

"You need a good healthy natural sleep" - Doctor to Edward Norton's character in "Fight Club"
If i sleep
and the customers sms/call i did not reply ASAP
By the time i wake up they don't want it.

99% of softies are asleep at this time. staying awake wont help sell ur bass faster. i'm 100% sure.

lets say someone does want to buy ur bass at 3am. do u think he is so unreasonable to think 'hmmm its 4am still no reply. nvm then dont want already since he nvr reply'. he'd obviously know that he's asleep right?
99% of softies are asleep at this time. staying awake wont help sell ur bass faster. i'm 100% sure.

lets say someone does want to buy ur bass at 3am. do u think he is so unreasonable to think 'hmmm its 4am still no reply. nvm then dont want already since he nvr reply'. he'd obviously know that he's asleep right?

It did happen b4,my choice for 24/7 service lol
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Lol dudelove, there's just no point trying to knock sense into him. He won't listen to logic, what can we do..

Anyway, I am looking to buy a new bass, but probably not his, haha.
I SAW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!HELP!!!!!!ITS COMING FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!

I like to move it move it,you like to move it move it,we like to MOVE IT!
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